Take My Heart [Goldie X Freddy Fanfic] Chapter 16

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Take My Heart [Goldie X Freddy]

Chapter 16


I just looked at Springtrap as he said that. I am quite shocked by his answer honestly. I didn't know he had kids. I didn't know he was a dad. "Okay well.. what happened to them?" I heard puppet ask. "I.. I can't say.." he said quietly. "Springtrap just tell us. Are they far away? Did you guys have an argument and aren't talking anymore? What?" I heard him ask annoyed again. He looked up at us and then lowered his head again. "I can't say cause.. every time I say it.. I cry and get more depressed.. it's really hard to say. You will never understand till you have kids.." he said quietly again. "Hold on.. just by the way you're saying everything now.. makes it sound like they died.." freddy interrupted. He looked up at us again. I just seen the sadness in his eyes and heartbreak. I slowly lifted my hands up a bit and without even thinking I gave him a hug. He didn't even hesitate and immediately hugged me back to. He burrowed his face into my shoulder and held me tightly.
I soon started to let go and kept a hand on his shoulder that wasn't hurt. "Goldie's too nice.. he doesn't deserve this.." I heard puppet say again. I looked angrily back at Puppet and back at Springtrap. "No.. we need more people like him.. he's the nicest guy I've ever met in such a long time.. don't take him for granted cause you might not meet anyone else as nice as him.." he told us. He gently rested a hand on my arm and looked up into my eyes. "Thank you goldie.. I really appreciate the kindness. I really needed it." He told me and gave me a weak smile. I grinned softly back at him and leaned back again. "Tell us.. only if you're comfortable though. What happened to your kids?" I heard Bonnie ask. He sighed sadly but quickly. "I had just met someone.. a beautiful girl. We talked for a while and really got into each other. After a few years.. we was gonna get married. Days before the marriage, we figured out she was pregnant. We was so happy. I told my friends at the pizzeria and they was excited as well to. Months had passed and we were finally married. She was the best thing in my life. And knowing she was pregnant made it better. She soon had our first baby.. Er.. babies. I had two daughters. It was the best week of my life.." he told us. "Week?" I heard someone ask. "My wife worked at another place. I had spent the night there to help her and to take care of our daughters. Since she was so tired. We all had went to sleep in a room in that place. I had woken up to a crash and banging sound. I had gotten up and checked the place out. Next thing I know is I was being held at gun point. I had gotten backed up against the wall when I heard my daughters start to cry and my wife begging for her life. I heard three gunshot sounds and then silence. My heart shattered and I didn't know what anything was anymore. I soon heard police sirens and the people had ran out of the building. I rushed to the room, praying that they was still alive somehow.. they weren't. All shot in the head. I heard the police call out and I knew I had to leave. I had to leave them......"
"..." I was speechless. "I HAD TO LEAVE MY FAMILY! I'm the worst husband and father ever!" He cried out and started to sob. I don't know what to say. I looked at Freddy and the others. They were just as speechless as I was. "Oh.." I heard puppet break the silence. "Um.." he did again. He soon pulled himself together and controlled speak. "That changed my whole attitude towards everybody. That's when I started to make my friends hate each other and me.. I didn't tell my fiends what happened. I just lied and told them she left me. I didn't want to be asked all the questions. And.. I'm pretty sure you know how it all went after that." He told us again. "Uh.." I heard someone do. "Okay.. um.." I heard puppet say again. "Okay.. uh.. right now.. well.. I'm so sorry to hear about what happened Springtrap. That's horrible.. I'm sorry I've been so rude." Puppet told him. "It's okay. I deserve it.." "no.. you have a reason as to why you acted that way. A good reason. But.. right now.. we need to heal you up. That arm isn't gonna heal itself without some help." He said again.

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