Day 10

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Jungkook and Jimin arrived and went to the back yard of their house where the party was, Everyone looked at them for a quick second and then contained playing. Jhope ran over to Jungkook and gave him a big hug "Congratulations buddy!"

Jungkook of course hugged him back and smiled "Yeah......Thank you" Jungkook started to whisper, "we can not tell Jordan untill we find out the gender, Got it?"

Jhope nodded "Yes sir"

"Okay everyone" Jungkook said trying to get everyone's attention "JoJo you have a present from a very special person"

Jordan was swimming in the pool with a couple of other kids, including Cody. She got out to find out what's going on and she went over to the table with a big bag on it "is this for me?" She asked and Jungkook nodded, She slowly took off the paper that covered the inside and took out an envelope that was at the bottom of the bag "what is this?" She said, But as soon as she saw what in that envelope, She gasped and attacked her father right away "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!" Jordan said excitedly, Jungkook didnt care that she was wet from the pool, Hes just glad that his daughter is happy

"I am so glad you like it" Jungkook said hugging her back, He started to hear her whimper intending she was about to cry "Aw baby dont cry" Jungkook softly said wipping her tears, "Your gonna look so much better after the surgery, and feel much better"

"Thank you" She sobbed, wrapping her little legs around his waist

"No problem baby girl" Jungkook kissed her cheek

"Can i get the surgery now Appa???"

"No, Not right now, In 3 days tho hun" He smiled


After the party, Jhope and Jimin helped clean up the place, as usual......Jimin kept running to the bathroom every 10 minutes. But he was able to get everything done "Kookie----"

"Don't call me Kookie" Jungkook snapped, he hates it when other people call him that cuz his wife always called him that.......

Jimin fliched and said "Jeez are you okay?"

"I am fine" Jungkook sighed "Just.....a little stressed about how this surgery will go"

"Well dont take your stress out on me" Jimin said frustrated with Jungkook, He doesn't know if its because of mood swings from the baby, but Jimin felt very emotional.

"I am not trying to" Jungkook said "Just..........Jordan come here" He said and Jordan came over to him "Go put on some dry clothes now"

"Aww" Jordan whined "me and Cody wanted to go into the hot tub"

"1" Jungkook started counting and Jordan rolled her eyes and ran into her room

"Man.....How did you do that?"

"Just a fathers Job" Jungkook shrugged "Use to it by now anyways"

"Kooks" Jhope called him over "Why did you snap at him when he calles you Kooki-----"

"I just dont like to be called that okay!!!!!!!!!!" Jungkook yelled in frustration and ran inside, Locking his bedroom door and started to get very emotional

"Jeez" Jimin said "whats going on with him"


Ayyeee Jordans finally getting the surgery she needs❤❤❤

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