Chapter Three

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That next morning I woke up on the couch on the bus. Alex was past out in the middle of the floor. Our merch girl was balled up in the corner of the other couch. Our tour manager was on the other corner curled up in a ball.

"Where is Brandy?" I said noticing Kenny walking into the lobby.

"Her bunk? Do you bitches not remember anything?" He asked.

I shook my head, "yea. I remeber."

Kenny laughed then set next to me, "tell me what you do know."

I rolled my eyes, "Um, I remember up to body shots. I took one off Alex, then Chris, then blacked out."

"Ah, you were flirting so bad with Chris and Alex!" He told me, "it wasn't even funny."

"I always do that when I'm drunk, what else?" I asked, "plus I knew I was flirting."

"Well, you were sucking face with Alex, then pasted out on the couch together." He said.

I looked at Alex laying on the floor, "then how?"

"I assume you pushed him off." Kenny said looking at him.

"And that's all that happened?" I asked to make sure.

Kenny nodded his head, "that is all. Why?"

"In case he try's to pull shit." I laughed.

"Pull what?" Brandy said stretching coming out of her bunk.

"Alex." I said pointing at him.

Brandy filled up a cup of water and dumped it in Alex's head.

He jumped up and freaked out.

"What's going on?!! Did we crash into a river?" Alex yelled, waking everyone else but Chris, up.

"Asshole." Tiffany said throwing a pillow at him and going to get bunk to change.

Courtney just glared and started to her bunk as well.

I throw a pillow at her, "alright miss tour manager wanna be. Wake the hell up and figure shit out."

"I can help?" Tiffany said popping her head out of the back lunge.

I laughed, "no get busy."

She glared then finished getting ready.

After a little while, all us girls piled in the back lunge, leaving Kenny, Alex, and Chris to their selfs.

"I hate how it looks like it's going to rain." I said looking out the window.

"Me either." Lizzy said looking at her phone, "it looks like it's going to he bad."

"It's not going to get bad." Courtney said looking the news up, "it says it's not even going to rain."

I looked at her phone what she had pulled up, and it was weather from back home.

"Courtney. Do you even know where we are?" I asked her.

"Going toward Nashville?" She sounded iffy.

Brandy threw a pillow at her, "No dummy. New Orleans."

I shook my head and showed her the weather for there.

"Shit it is going to get bad." She said shocked.

I laughed, "well, Brandy. Spoken to Ricky yet?"

Her face got a little red, "no."

"It needs to happen soon!" Lizzy demanded.

I pushed her, "hey have you talked to Nick?"

That got Lizzy quiet fast.

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