Chapter Thirteen

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*After the last day of tour.*

I was bummed that the tour was over with. It was fun touring with my love and my brother. Of course and my best friends. The last show was really exciting! Ricky asking Brandy to marrie him. Which I thought was crazy. We all did. Alot of us, thought he wasnt the marring type. Plus it being that fast! Its crazy. But I was curious to what was going on tonight. Ronnie and Ben has a surprize for Brandy, Ricky, Alex and I. They took us to the Staple Center in LA as soon as we got there. Which was almost eight, so whatever we were going their for, we were running a bit late.

"Are you guys excited?" Ben asked us as Ronnie tied blind folds on us.

I grawled and didnt say anything.

Ronnie kicked my leg as he finished tieing my blind fold.

"This this really nessasarey?" Brandy asked, trying to look around.

Ricky hugged her, "Yes, now come on."

We walked out into a big room and I herd alot of talking. A few people freaked out a little apperently that they saw Ben and Ronnie. Finally we stopped walking and they faced us in a direction. Out of no where it got really really quite. A shit ton of people started screaming. I felt Alex untie my blind fold, but as soon as I was abale to see. Evreynthing was dark. I could tell we were infront of the baracade at a cocnert though. Just didnt know whos. Next thing I knew, fire shot from behind the stage. Everyone screamed, then I knew who it was. It was Avenged Sevenfold. Mine and Brandy's favorite.

"Holy fuck!" Brandy yelled with excitement.

Each member of the band came running out on the stage. Arin, then Jonny, then Zacky, Syn, and lastly, Shadows.

"LA! Its good to be back! Lets get this show started!" Shadows yelled as the crowed cheered.

Shortly, they started with the song, Sheapherd of Fire.

But, sadly, as all shows start, they must end. End with This Means War!, but Ronnie rushed me out and blindfolded again.

"What are you doing?!?! I dont want to miss that song!" I yelled on the edge of crying.

"Shut up, you'll think me later." He said pushing me some where.

Shortly, I figured out where I was when I herd yelling and people walking by me. Ronnie, took the blindfold off and I was on stage.

Shadows motioned me to come over.

I did as he said and walked up to him, as he wrapped his arm around my neck.

"You got a really nice brother dont you?" He asked me.

I looked at Ronnie and smiled as I nodded my head.

"We'll, thats not the last time your not allowed to see." Shadows said as he covered my eyes with his hands.

I sighed. I was tired of not seeing what was going on.

But with in seconds he took his hands off my eyes, then out of no where, Alex was infront of me, on one knee, with a ring in his hand.

I started bawling. I looked at Shadows and hugged him.

"You suppose to answer a question, not hug me." He laughed walking up to Alex.

"Do you wanna marry me or him?" Alex asked laughing.

I laughed as well and looked at Shadows.

"Whoa, im married, so I'd pick him before its too late." He laughed again.

Everyone laughed.

I looked at Alex and nodded my head as I inently let go of Shadows for him.

Everyone in the crowed awed and started clapping.

"That was cute, but now, we have a show to finish." Shadows said as he started the song, 'This Means War.'

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