Chapter Four

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We stood side stage and watched New Years Day's set. They always seamed to put on a pretty good show, but then it was are turn. Chris and Kenny couldnt stop checking outside as the storm seamed to get worse and worse.

"Come on. We setting up." I said as I pulled them from the back door and on to the stage, where Lizzy and Brandy was.

I looked from the side stage before going up and saw Courtney spazing out at the merch table.

"All ready." Brandy said walking off the stage.

I smiled and everyone lined up in front of me.

I looked behind me and Alex was standing there at the corner, just watching.

Ash came up and hugged me, "Good luck."

I smiled, "Thanks."

I looked back up at the stage as it grew dark for our intro. I herd laughing, then looked behind me again. Henrik and Joannes was having a conversation near the emergancy exit in Swedish. Henrik saw me, and they instently stopped laughing. They disapired back stage.

"Cyndy!" Brandy called for me, "Pay attention."

I looked at her and Kenny had just ran out, with Chris right behind him. Then Brandy.

I took a deep breath and ran on the stage.

"How are you motherfuckers doing!" I yelled out.

Everyone screamed.

Brandy slowly started into the song.

"I hope you guys know this song. Its a cover of a band I've been influanced by. Its called 'The Fastest Way To A Girls Heart Is Through Her Ribcage' by Ice Nine Kills! if you know it, sing along!" I told him right before Lizzy and the rest of the band came in.

"Theres blood here in the water as I'm slowly losing grip, 'cause your insanity, Its killing me!" I started to sing.

The whole crowed started to sing along.

I smiled and scanned the crowed as Brandy screamed the words. I saw a few Red Death shirts in the crowed.

"Thank you!" I said after that song was finished, "Next song we will be singing is one of ours."

The crowed cheered.

I smiled, "This one is called Murder. Sing along if you know it!"

Lizzy started this song out and the crowed screamed!

But just as I started to sing, everything got dark and shut down.

A scream of fear came from the crowed for a second, then mass amounts of talking.

Chris, Brandy, and Kenny came up to me, asking me what to do.

I told Chris to go grab his accoustic guitar.

"Everyone! Quiet!" I yelled calming the crowed down.

Everyone got quiet.

"If you all could please, use the flash, or flash light on your phones and shine them up on the stage." I told them.

They all did as they were told and the room lit up.

"I have an idea. How many of you know my band?" I asked.

A few people yelled.

I looked to the side and saw Stitch, from The Defiled, standind there,waiting on what was going to happen next. I looked back at the crowed, "How many of you like the band thats going to play after us, The Defiled?"

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