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     You stepped into the small coffee shop, your clothes drenched by the onslaught of rain. You shivered, taking in your surroundings. The lighting was low, the tables were a warm cherrywood color. Plush chocolate seats, beckoning for you to come rest your tired feet.
    "Can I get a large cup of black coffee?" You asked politely putting the five on the counter, taking the cup in your hands. You knew you really shouldn't spend the money, you needed to save what you had in your wallet.
    It was late, but you weren't quite ready to go home. You knew that your neighbor would keep her overnight if need be, your little girl. You stepped back out into the night, the cold air nipped at you through your clothes. You had lost your job, for the third time this month, when you had moved out here six months ago you had high aspirations. The two of you need a new start, so here you were.
      Finding a tiny little studio apartment, that at the time you could afford. That was then, and now you had just about ran through all your money. You were beginning to get worried that you'd ever hold a job again. You had tried anything and everything. From restaurant work, to barista, bar tending, heck even dog walking for a while. Nothing stuck around, hours got cut, dropped coffee on the president of you company, got into a fight, though in your defense the guy had it coming.
     You sipped at your coffee, stepping out, watching as cars rolled by, their slick bodies twinkling in the lights. You shivered again before heading toward the subway station, you descended the steps pulling your wallet out of you jacket pocket. Opening it you dropped your fare in, the machine printed you out a ticket in response.
     You stood on the platform, waiting for the train when a blasting pain rocket through the back of your skull. You stumbled forward turning lightly, a snap of pain to your face and then everything went black.

     "Peter, what has Tony told you about bringing people back to the tower?" Bucky sighed, taking your limp form from the kid. He walked you over to the couch gently laying you there.
    "I know, but Mr. Barnes, I couldn't just leave her there." His panicked words filled the room.
    "You and your strays, kid. So what happened this time?" He conceded, sitting down in an arm chair looking towards Peter.
    "I think she was mugged, I found her laying on the platform. She has a nasty knot on the back of her head, and that black eye." He explained, gesturing towards you.
     "And what are you going to tell Tony?" Bucky looks over at you, studying your features. Your hair was a wreck, your clothes were damp. Angry scrap on your forehead, and a black eye.
    "I was just hoping that you wouldn't say anything to him. That she'd just wake up and go home. Then Mr. Stark wouldn't have to know." He rambled, looking at Bucky with pleading eyes.
    "Fine, but when Tony finds out don't say I didn't warn you." He stood up, walking towards his room.
    "My. Barnes, what are you doing?"
    "Going to go get her some dry clothes, not going to let her catch a cold in what she's wearing." He hollered back.

     "Lucy, I'm home." Filter into your head as you came too. Slowly you lifted your eye lids, the black and white images greeted you. You didn't move, your eyes drifted away from the tv, fear clutching at your chest realizing you were not where you supposed to be.
      Your eyes landed on the man in arm chair, his focus was the old rerun. The blue glow from the screen lit his face. He had long dark hair, that was pulled back, scruff covered his face. Large arms crossed his broad chest. He was relaxed back, enjoying the show, chuckling to himself throughly enthralled.
       Slowly you began to sit up, your head started pounding in that instant. It was like someone slamming a brick into the back of your skull. Your hand snapped to the back of your head in an attempt to put pressure on the pain, only to find a lump back there. You hissed as your fingers brushed the spot.
      "You're up." A rough voice startled you, your head snapped toward the man in the chair. Pulling your legs up under you, ready to jump and run. "Easy now, my friend brought you here after he found you on the subway platform."
      "Yeah, cause that's not weird at all." You quipped, heart hammering, muscles tense.
     "Well, if you knew the kid, it would make more sense." He shook his head, chuckling. "Anyway, how's your head feel?"
     "Like someone took a jackhammer to it." You eyed him suspiciously, he hadn't moved since he started talking. His body was still relaxed in his chair.
     "If you want I can get you some aspirin and water." He offered.
     "Why?" You narrowed your eyes at him.
    "Well," He chuckled softly. "I'm sure you don't want your head hurting."
      You watched him for a moment longer, his eyes were sincere as his smile was warm and inviting. He wasn't threatening in the least, but, you reminded yourself, neither was Ted Bundy. He didn't move, he waited for your reply.
      "Fine." You replied slowly, he stood up from his spot and rounded the edge of the couch. You watched him as he walked into the kitchen that was attached to the living room. Turning up the low lighting. He moved silently, as he went about finding you relief.
     His back was broad, and you could see the muscle tone under the long sleeve shirt he wore. The man's pajama pants hung low on narrow hips, who ever this guy was, he definitely worked out. He finished grabbing you a glass of water, grabbing the bottle of aspirin he had set down, before returning the living room.
      He walked up to the back of the couch, handing you water and aspirin. Your eyes connected with his, you were greeted with the most intense blue you had ever seen. He walked back over to his seat, sinking back down in the leather. You popped the lid on the aspirin, metal foil still intact. You blinked hard at it before raising your eyes to meet his.
      "I grabbed a new bottle, you seem slightly worried." He shrugged. You opened the rest of the bottle shaking two out. You popped them into your mouth, before taking a swig of water.
     "Can't blame a girl, Ten Buddy used to charm the crap out of women before he killed them." You jested, a brief moment of confusion passed before his eyes. You shook your head and looked down, these weren't your clothes just realizing you were in a man's shirt and sweats. "Um, may I ask where my clothes are?"
      "They're in the drier, you were soaked to the bone." He clicked the tv off, stifling a yawn, standing. "They should just be about finished up, if you want I can grab them for you really quick and you can leave. Or your more then welcome to crash on the couch, since it's so late."
      "I think I'll just change and leave, no offense, you seem nice but I really don't want to take the chance of you filleting me." You stood up, your vision swam in and out of focus as the world tilted. A pair of hands on your hips steadied you.
     "If I wanted to fillet you, I would of while you were unconscious on the couch." He retorted, holding you steady as your sight cleared. He leaned down, looking you in the eyes, studying them. "Do you fill nauseous at all?"
      "Actually, I do." Your stomach flipped suddenly, bring your hand up to your mouth. "Bathroom?"
    "Through that opening, hook a left three doors down on the right." He told you, you darted away, you managed to make it in time. Luckily the only thing your belly was the coffee from earlier. Your head throbbed violently as you retched again.

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