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"I hope you don't mind but I've decided to walk you home at the very least." He said as he came in the bathroom, carrying your clothes. "You've most likely got a mild concussion, and I would rather you make it home safe."
"Why?" You managed out before dry heaving again.
"For starters, if I didn't and my ma was still alive she beat the tar outta me. Plus Peter saved you from the subway, wouldn't be right turning you out in the cold with your head not right." He explained, watching as you flushed the toilet. You gently grabbed your clothes from his hands, he shut the door behind him so you could change in peace.
You looked at your self in the mirror, the shirt you were in was baggy, and the sweats were two seconds from falling off. Quickly you pulled the shirt over you head, and began to change. You didn't want to look at yourself any further, you been skipping meals lately to save on money. Trying to make every penny count, you know you shouldn't have bought that coffee but, you needed something to lift your spirits.
You opened the bathroom door to him find him leaning next to the door way. He had changed himself while you were in the bathroom, his brown leather jacket unzipped. He held out an extra jacket for you, you took it gently pulling it on, following him the elevator.
"So, I'm guessing you live in the penthouse?" You asked nervously as the doors rolled closed. You grabbed the railing tight, your knuckles turning white. You hated, elevators, too many nightmares of them collapsing with you in them.
"Something like that." He replied, rubbing the stubble on his chin. "A buddy of mine owns the building, he lets a couple of us live here."
"Must be rich, building with fourteen floors has got to cost a lot."
"Yeah, he's something like that." He replied as the cab made it to the floor level, faster then most elevators should. You felt kind of woozy as you stepped out, reaching out and bracing yourself on the wall.
"You okay." He asked, putting his hand on your shoulder.
"I'm good, just a little lightheaded." You replied finally starting to walk again. The two of you stepped out into the dead of night, the air had become colder since you had last been out. You burrowed your head deeper into that jacket he had provided. You looked back at the building unable to see the logo.
"Someone very rich." You exclaimed. He chuckled as you two walked to the side walk, you got your bearings and started walking north.
"Oh, yeah. Anyway, I'm Y/N." You told him.
"Bucky." Your head whipped around and your eyes narrowed.
"Bucky? That's an odd name." He smiled looking forward, his hands deep in pockets.
"Actually my name is James Barnes, but everyone calls me Bucky. Childhood nickname that stuck with me." He explained.
"Guess there are worse nicknames to have, for a long while my parents called me Starshine. Drove me crazy, they were hippies and insisted on calling me it."
"Starshine?" He laughed, you narrowed your eyes at him again.
"Don't even think about calling me that." You jabbed him in the arm with your finger.
"Yeah, and what are you going to do about it Starshine?" He chuckled lightly, you spun to face him, walking backwards.
     "I'll mess you up." You quipped, trying your best to mean mug him. You failed to do so when the toe of one of shoes caught the heal of your other. You stumbled backwards lightly, Bucky reach out seizing your wrist, keeping you from falling on your rear end.
     "Sure, once you figure out how to walk backwards, you'll put me in my place." He laughed, you rolled your eyes, turning to walk forward again.
    "Ha ha."
     "So, y/n, why were you on the subway platform so late at night?" He asked turning serious.
    "I had a late shift at the bar I was bar tending but I got canned, so I just kinda wandered around. Wasn't really in the mood to go home." You replied and you didn't want your neighbor to be disappointed again. Finding the subway stairs to the platform you were mugged in. "Actually I was jump right there."
"Well, you don't have to worry about getting jumped with me here." He turned his head lightly, giving you a warm smile. "You know unless I change my mind and decide to fillet you."
"Here's to hoping you don't change your mind." The two of you boarded the train as it rolled to a stop. You sat down on the uncomfortable seat, Bucky sitting next you looking a tad nervous.
"You okay?" You asked, turning slightly to face him better.
"Yeah, just not a big fan of the subway. They remind me of trains." He explained, flexing his hands, the leather from his gloves making noises.
"That's me and elevators." His eyes wandered up meeting yours. The two of you talked about random things while riding back to your side of town. From books to music, you learned that he had a fondness for old movies.
You seemed at ease with him, though he was barely a stranger, he was so easy to talk to. You both exited the subway at your stop deep in conversation about what shop had the best pizza. You saw your apartments in sight, and part of you didn't want this to end but you had a life and a kid to get back to.
"Well, Bucky, this is me." You told him nodding toward your building. He looked around the neighbor, you weren't located in the nicest part of town. A bum slumped forward at the edge of the alley, a drug deal was going on across the street. He walked you up the steps, as you fished your key from your pocket.
"You okay to go up?" He asked, a wariness to his voice. Your eyes connected to him a blank look on your face.
"Oh yeah, I'll be fine." You tell him, starting to shrug off the jacket. Bucky shook his head holding up a hand.
"Keep the jacket." He told you, backing down the steps.
"You sure?" Confused by his offer.
"Yeah, I don't wear it anymore. So it's yours, doll." He grinned, turning to leave.
"Be careful on your way home." You shout to him, not wanting him to leave.
"I'll try, since I don't have you to protect me." He quipped walking away, you watched as he walked back the way you both came. Your heart sinking, knowing the odds that you'll ever see him again were slim.
You enter the building skipping two stairs at a time to your floor. You passed your door and lightly knocked on the door next to yours. You could hear a rustle on the other side before Maria opened the door a crack. Her old weather face greeted yours, grey hair was loose.
"Sorry Maria, I was jumped on my way home." You explained.
"It's fine." Her voice was gentle as she let you in. "Kayla is asleep, she's such an easy child. Wish my boys had been that way."
Kayla was your ten yer old daughter, the reason you kept trying every morning. You saw her curled up on the couch, deep in slumber. Her dark hair fanned out around her face, blanket pulled tight to her chin. Her sweet features relaxed.
"She's definitely something else." You smiled, sighing. "So, I lost my job."
"Y/n," the old woman shook her head, motioning for you to sit. "What happened this time?"
"I told the boss to go F himself after he suggested in do a lewd act to get more hours." You ran your fingers through your hair.
"Shoulda kicked him where it counts." She replied.
"And here I thought you hated violence." You chuckled, slowly rising from your spot. "I should get some sleep, since now I have to go look for another job."
"Good luck sweet heart." The woman told to you walking out.

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