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      "Hey," Bucky's voice was very and gentle, Kayla looked up and over your shoulder at him. "You know what helps me when I can't sleep?"
    She shook her head response, burrowing her body further into yours. This was the Kayla you were used to, her shy quietness. Her fingers dug into your side unsure of what was going on.
    "A glass of warm milk." Your heard him respond from behind you. She must of made a face at him cause you heard him start chuckling. "Don't knock it till you try it. I promise, it helps every time."
    Kayla leaned back in your arms, she looked at you with pleading eyes. You grabbed her hand and walked her into the kitchen. Bucky turned the lights up a bit, and pulled a pot out from one of the cupboards. You lifted the girl and set her on the counter so she could get a better view.
    "Have you ever had warm milk?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the girl, she nodded, crinkling her nose up. "Who made it for you?"
    Kayla lifted her arm and pointed a finger at you. He opened the fridge taking the milk out, walking over and pouring some into the pot that was resting on the stove.
     "And let me guess, she heated in the microwave." He asked, winking at you briefly, turning the burner on low heat. "That's the reason you didn't like it, you have to properly heat it up."
Bucky walked around the two you, he briefly put his hand on your waist as he walked behind you. He flipped open a cupboard, reaching up grabbing a couple items from the top shelf. He walked back the stove, opening a drawer next to it. He pulled a whisk out and the turned to the two of you.
"Alright, I'm going to show you secret. Got to promise me you won't tell anybody. Especially, Sam." He cocked his head a bit, pointing the whisk to the two of you.
"Promise." You tell him, smiling ear to ear. He turned the whisk to your daughter, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Come on Doll, gotta promise." He smiled at her. You nudged your daughter lightly.
"I don't think Mr. Barnes is going to continue without you promising." You say to her, your daughter being true to herself stuck her finger pinkie out to him. His brows knotted up, as his eyes drifted to you. "She's pinkie promising you."
"Alright. I'll take it." He reached, and curled his gloved finger around hers. Your daughter giggled at him, a sound that you loved to hear. "So the magic secret is a couple drops of vanilla. And a dash of cinnamon."
"Then you gotta keep stirring cause if the milk gets to hot in one spot it'll scorch. That's another thing Sam doesn't know." He winked at her, she scooted closer to him looking into the pot he stirred.
Bucky looked up you for moment, his smile was warm. You bit your lip, watching how she reacted to him.
"Mr. Barnes, how do you know when it's done?" She asked quietly finally braving herself to speak.
"Well that just depends on you, how warm you want it." His attention back the ten year old. "In that cupboard behind you are the mugs, why don't you grab us three. And then, you, me, and your mom can put on a movie or something."
He poured the milk into the mugs, grabbing two of them in one hand. He stretched out his arm towards Kayla who wrapped her arms around his neck. He lifted her with ease, and left the kitchen. Your eyes stared to tear up cause she wasn't one to go to strangers. Not like that at least, it took Maria a month before Kayla would let her hold her.
"Doll, want to turn the lights back down?" He asked gently, turning as he reached the couch. It broke you from your spell, you grabbed the other mug and turned the lights down. You joined them on the couch as he searched the tv for a movie the three of you to watch. "How's Snow white sound?"
Some where around the half way point you looked over and saw your daughter curled up on the man. Bucky looked away from the tv at you and down at his side where she curled up.
"Be honored, she doesn't sleep on to many people." You told him.
"I am." He replied pulling the throw blanket off the back of the couch. "Does she wake up often like that?"
"Yes, a couple times a week." You sigh. "They're better then they used to be. I used not to be able to get her to calm down. I don't know how many times I've had the cops called on me cause of the screaming."
"What happened, if you don't mind me asking." He turned the volume down on the tv.
"It's a long story. Maybe suited for another time." You responded, standing up, gathering the cups.
"Okay." He watched you from his spot as you cleaned up the small mess that had been created. You came back, looking at her, trying to decide the best way to lift her. "If you want I can pick her up, it might be easier."
"If you think your up for it, seems like she gains six hundred pounds when she's asleep." You joke quietly, as he pulled the sleeping girl into his lap, reaching under her with both arms. He pulled her tight to his chest and stood.
"As you were saying?" He smirked, you rolled your eyes at him and lead the way back to your rooms.
He followed you when you opened the door, and returned the sleeping child to her room. He walked back to your door, you leaned against the door way as he stepped out. Bucky turned back around to face you, a nervous smile on his face.
"If you need anything I'm two doors down."
"I'll remember that, James." You smiled to him sweetly, starting to pull the door shut. "Goodnight."

Me, her, and YouUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum