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"Just wait till your mom texts me back." A male voice snipped, as they came a round the corner. "You are so lucky I have briefing for next week. "
"Clint, I see you brought your son with you." Steve said walking over to the man and boy about your daughter's age.
"Yeah, someone decided to play hooky today and forgot I wasn't leaving quite yet." He glared at the boy, his nostrils flaring. Clint's eyes darted to you and then back to Steve, his brows creased together.
"That's y/n, she's living here. Tony hired her to help out around the tower, y/n this is..." he was cut short.
"Clint Barton!" Kayla gasped, you hadn't realized she was even awake till this moment. Clint's head snapped to couch. Even more puzzlement on his face.
"And that's Kayla, her daughter." Steve added, smiling wide to his friend.
"Okay, I'm gone for a week and half, things change quick. Anyway, Cap, you ready for briefing" Clint asked, Steve nodded walking to the other man. " alright, Kyle you listen to Bucky and y/n till I come back to get you."
"Fine, dad." Kyle replied, walking in. Bucky stood from his spot, walking into the kitchen where you were.
"Are you going with them?" You asked as he approached.
"No, Natasha, Clint, and Steve have mission in two days. I'm staying here, which is fine by me." He smirked, as he poured some coffee.
"So, looking we're on babysitting duty then?" You smirk at him, he looks over at Kyle who has sat down on the couch.
"Guess so, any idea on what to do?" He asks looking back to you.
"A couple." You grin, turning back to both kids. "Who wants to help make some pizza?"
    Kayla and Kyle looked over the back of the couch at you, slow grins spreading across their faces. Suddenly they both scramble off the couch rushing into the kitchen. You start pulling ingredients out of the cupboards to make the dough.
     "James, grab a really big bowl." You tell Bucky retrieving the bag of flour. Setting everything out on the island, he did as you instructed. You started measuring everything out putting them in the bowl. Starting to mix it all together, getting the dough semi mixed. You grabbed the bag of flour and up ended it on the island, Bucky's eyes went wide, regarding you with a confused look.
      You spread the flour out evenly on the island top, and separated out the dough into four even chunks placing them in front of each you. Kayla know what you were doing and went right to work kneading the dough. Kyle watched her, and then followed her lead.
     "What?" You look over at the man, his mouth slightly a gape. "Have you never made pizza by hand?"
    "I Have, it's just been a while." He replied, as he stepped forward and started to knead his chunk of dough. The three of you started working, pulling and pushing into the raw pizza dough. You look at Bucky out of the corner of you eye, a devilish grin slowly crossed your face.
    You grabbed a fist full of flour, no one was paying you any mind. You stepped back, and in one quick movement dumped the contends of your hand over Bucky's head. A poof of flour engulfed him, his back went ridged. Both kids looked up and started giggling.
    Slowly the enhanced man turned to face you, his dark hair had turned grey. You busted out laughing unable to contain yourself any longer.
    "Now, you look your age." You told him, Bucky placed his hand on the counter and swiped it quickly at you, sending a cloud of flour at you. Laughs erupted through the kitchen as a full blown flour fight ensued.
By the time the four of you settle down enough to roll the dough and put toppings on it, the kitchen was a complete mess. You looked around, giggling as the kids went to go sit in front of the tv. Bucky had put a movie on for them before returning to the kitchen where you were gathering all the dirty utensils placing them in the sink.
"You got this, right?" Bucky teased, watching you.
"Your not getting out of helping me, half of this flour on the floor is from you." You smirked back him, he grinned and went to go retrieve the broom from the closet.
"So, your parents seem pretty cool." Kyle spoke up as you and Bucky cleaned up the mess. Kayla looked over the couch, eyeing Bucky. She sighed sadly before looking down and then back to the tv.
"He's not my dad." Her voice sounded dejected, a small pang of wanting in her chest.
"Really?" Kyle scoffed. "You look a lot like him."
"I do?" She asked, looking up at the boy and then back to the man in kitchen. Bucky had grabbed the nozzle on the sink and was threatening to douse you in water.
"Uh, yeah." The boy turned back to the tv. Kayla wasn't sure how to feel about Kyle's comment. She really liked the man, she wished that he was her dad. She knew that Brock wasn't her actual dad, she had found the letter of paternity one night. At the time it had hurt knowing she didn't have a dad but she never let on to anyone that she knew.
Kayla turned back to the tv, sighing again. Deep in her heart she hoped that you and Bucky would stay together. Maybe he could treat her as a daughter, she didn't want to get her hopes up but maybe.
"Two pizzas, watch out, they're hot." You said as you set the pizzas down on the table in front of the kids before returning to kitchen table to your own. "Guess we'll have to get a raincheck on that picnic."
"Guess so." Her replied, taking a bite out of his food.
"So how long do the briefings last?" You ask him, taking a bite out of your own.
"Couple hours, just depends on how much they argue." He replied.
"Argue?" You chuckle, Bucky looked up at you, humor lacing his face.
"Oh yeah, Nat will argue on one way. Steve will say a different way. Then Tony will put his two cents in." He chuckled.
"And Clint?" You shook your head, imagining them all fighting the logistics of their mission.
"He'll agree with Natasha, mainly cause she'll beat the crap out of him or threaten to go to his wife."
"Wow." You exclaimed, chuckling at yourself, Bucky leaned back in his chair after he had finished. Starting to pick dough out of the metal in his hand.
"Guess I could of gotten you a glove." You snicker, standing as you grab the empty plates. Bucky's hand shot out grasping yours, you looked down at him with a raised eyebrow. He wiggles his finger for you to come closer.
You bent at the waist, leaning in close. He slid his spare free hand up to the back of your head. Bucky pulled you down to him, your heart hammering hard in your chest. His lips pressed softly on to yours. The kiss was brief, but gentle. You hadn't realized your daughter happen to catch the glimpse of you two kissing, and how it made her feel so happy.

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