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    The three of you were in the common room at Stark Tower. 'Dear Future Husband' by Meghan Trainor blaring over the sound system, your daughters favorite song. Bucky hands in each of your hands, he spun both of you at the same time. You stepped back, he pulled Kayla in a kept dancing. She squealed as he kept dancing to the suedo 40's pop sounding song.
    The last month seemed to flown by, the three of you in your own bubble. Ice cream dates just you, her, and him. Picnics at the park, late night movie nights, filled with popcorn and snuggling on the couch. Stolen kisses, whenever no one was  around. Your heart had swollen, him and Kayla were two peas in a pod. They shared their own jokes, and secrets. She had confided in him late one night after you had went to sleep, that the two of them were the same. Both enhanced, both forced to do something they didn't want to by bad people, both of them just wanting something they had taken from them.
     Bucky reached out, snagging your hand, he pulled you back in to him. Kayla had stepped back, watching him spin you again. Ear to ear grin spread wide across her face, this is what families were supposed to be like. She was sure of it, she thought to herself as she watched him dip you low. Kayla had never seen you so smile so much, the joy she saw in you was contagious.
    Kayla watched as he continue to swing dance with you, thinking about how lucky she was. Even though she knew you still were nervous when it came to leaving the Stark Tower it didn't show as much anymore. Her favorite days were when Uncle Steve or Aunt Natasha joined the three of you out for dinner or when you guys went to Saturday markets.
    Bucky couldn't remember the last time he felt like this. The carefree feeling, the overwhelming happiness of being with you and your little girl. He couldn't remember the last time he just danced for the sheer fun of making someone like you laugh. Then again, he thought, there was no one comparable to you. You made him feel like the person he used to be, the person that existed before they controlled him. You and her, you made him want to do, to be better. At the end of the day, late at night, when the three of you were curled up on the couch, that's when he felt most at home. It was his happy place, and there wasn't a damn person who was going to take that from him.
    Steve watched from the opening to the common room, hip against the wall, arms crossed. A smile spread across his face.     Bucky snatched Kayla's hand pulling her into the two of you again. In fact everyone who graced the tower saw it. Everyone noticed Bucky seemed to come out of his room earlier in the mornings, he was more visible during they day. Joining in on practice missions, they noticed the bounce to his step, his relaxed demeanor when he was forced to bee anywhere with out you. It was as if the two of you were healing old wounds, his caused by Hydra and yours caused by your ex.
     Kayla saw him and rushed over leaving you and Bucky dancing to yourselves as the girl took up her new dance partner. Bucky spun and dipped you again, pressing his lips against yours quickly in the dip before he swung you back up to your feet. He pulled you close to his chest as the song ended, closing your eyes in his arms relishing in the moment.
    "Here I was coming down to see if three of you wanted to go to the zoo and there's a dance party going on and I wasn't invited." Steve chuckled, looked over at you still deep in Bucky's arms.
    "Can we go mom?" Kayla asked you sweetly, still holding Steve's hand.
     "Sounds like it could be fun." Bucky's voice vibrated through your body, you turned your graze up to him, a sly smile on his face.
    "Alright, Kayla we should get dressed." You sigh, pulling yourself out of Bucky's warmness.

    "Can we get some elephant ears?" Kayla tugged on Bucky's jacket sleeve, her face turned up to his.
    "I think that's like a must, can't go to the zoo and not have them." He replied as the four of you walked into the zoo. You hung back with Steve, watching as Kayla drug Bucky to the nearest enclosure.
   "So, I see you gave him a chance." He nodded towards the man and the child.
   "I don't think I ever really had a chance not too." You smiled, as your daughter's eyes lit up at the creatures in the pen. Her grip tight on Bucky's hand.
    "How so?" He asked, your daughter's attention pulled her to another cage.
    "You see them, I couldn't pull those to a part even if I wanted to. It's hard not to fall in love with someone when your kid does it first." You replied, looking out of the corner of your eye at Steve. He was smiling wide, knowing that Bucky felt the same way about the two of you.
   "Mom!!" She yelled to you, you walked over to her and him. Bucky reached out, lacing your fingers in his. Kayla pointed at the tiger that was lazily walking the enclosure. Powerful muscles  restricting and stretching at it moved, it stopped and looked about. Bucky turned his attention to you, he leaned over your daughter's head a placed a kiss on your cheek.
    Kayla looked up at the right time, she saw the affection he placed on you and giggled. Bucky's turned his attention down to her, smiling at her.
   "You want one too?" He asked her, her eyes went huge. She nodded her head, Bucky placed a kiss at the crown of her head.
    Steve shook his head in amusement, his phone started chirping in his pocket. He fished it out, looking at the called ID seeing it was from Tony. He pressed the talk button, turning slightly a way from the four of you.
    "Hey Cap." Tony's voice echoed out into the the man's ear.
   "What's wrong?" Steve's tone had turned serious.
   "So I looked into what you wanted me to. It took a bit, their system was a bitch." Tony quipped.
    "The serum wasn't injected into Kayla as an embryo, the reason it was so hard to distinguish DNA from the serum was because the two were intertwined to begin with. I don't know why it took that long to figure out. It all.." Tony started to ramble.
   "Yeah, can you just get to the point." Steve snipped, the words Tony told him next echoed into his ear as he turned, looking at his best friend as he lifted Kayla to get a better look into the tiger pen. His mouth went slack, just as an explosion rocked through the courtyard.

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