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You burst out of your room, chest full of panic. The logical side of you said there was no way her dad could of found her. However, there was some voice in the back of your head that made you feel like you would never be truly free from him. Before you realized it you were knocking on Bucky's door, trying to calm your breathing down.
    "Y/n?" His brows pinch together as he opened the door. The light from his room reflected off the metal of the arm. "What's the matter?"
     "Kayla's not in her room."  The words tripped over each other as they came out.
     "Friday, do you know where Kayla is?" He asked outloud, pulling you into his arms, sensing you were on the verge of tears.
     "Yes, she is down in the lab with Mr. Stark." A voice replied.
     "Come on, I'll take to you to her." He told you calmly, keeping his arm over your shoulder as you walked to the elevator.

    As you walked into Tony's office you saw Tony sitting behind your daughter. Her fingers dancing across the key board. He must have heard you enter, looking over his shoulder, he held his finger to his lips.
     "Okay, honey, now try this sequence of numbers." Tony returned his attention to the screen. You watched in amazement as the robot across the room started dancing. Tony stood and came over to you, looking back at your daughter.
      "I'm sorry, Mr. Stark I went to the store. I thought..." He held his hand up cutting you like he did before.
     "Did you know she is simply amazing? I've been trying to figure out a problem, a glitch really, and I came down here cause I figured out. I find her sitting there having already done it."He stated, amazement in his voice. "It was so obvious I had completely over looked it"
      "I guess I have a lot to explain, but only after she's in bed." You tell them. "Kayla, sweetie, its bed time."
      "Oh, hi, mom. Mr. Stark was just showing me some of his programs." She smiled, turning to face you.
     "That was very of kind him but it's time to go back to bed." Guiding her off the chair, she let you lead her back to your rooms without argument. You dreaded this part, once she was tucked back in you gathered her notebook she had been working on. You also dug out her old medical charts and brought them with you to the common room where Bucky and Tony was waiting. You dropped both items on the table in front of them.
"Kayla isn't a normal child." You started out, taking a deep breath. "My ex husband and I had difficulty having a child so went the route of envitro, using my egg and what at the time I thought was his DNA. At first she grew normally met all her milestones like any baby her age. Then somewhere around eighteen months that all changed. I was in the kitchen when she walked in and asked for a glass of water. All the baby talk was gone, words were crystal clear."
You took a deep breath, Tony picked up the notebook and flipped through it. His eyes wide at your daughters calculations.
"By two years old she could read and was doing algebra, three she knew four languages and calculus. At four she was on computer codes, and could recite war statistics. It was at that point I really started to notice that she really didn't look anything like him. One night I managed to get a swab of his DNA and sent it out, it came back they were not a match." You explained, fidgeting, as Tony picked up the medical charts. "That's when he got cruel, he beat the shit out of me that night. You got to understand my ex husband was part of the government and knew some powerful and bad people. He started calling her the experiment."
"Her medical files, are these accurate?" Tony asked in bewilderment, you nodded before continuing.
"After I had found out that she had someone else's DNA and not my ex things changed. It went from regular college homework to program codes, and heavy science stuff. Stuff I can't even begin to explain. Him and I got into fight one night, I didn't want him using her for the government and that's what he was doing. Damn near put me in the hospital, Kayla saw it. She was only five, but she remembers that night so vividly."
"The nightmares?" Bucky spoke quietly.
"Yes, its the cause of them, and who knows what they did when he took her with him. I filed for divorce, but not before he caught wind of what was happening. He made up a bunch of bogus crap about me, that I was mentally unstable and I using drugs. The judge filed in his favor, and stripped me of custody. The one good thing they did was allow me supervised visits, I got to know her handler. One day I brought him coffee, I had laced it with sleeping pills. Took her and ran. I've been running since then." You were looking at the floor, your body was shaking but it felt like the weight of the world was lifted off your shoulders.
"Y/n, these medical charts, have they been tampered with?" Tony asked, you could hear him flipping through the papers.
"No." You finally look up. Watching for their reaction closely, seeing if they believed you.
"She's genetically modified?" His brows knotted up in confusion as his eyes met yours.
"Yes, since before she was born. I was with her for every doctor visit, so I figured it was when they did the envitro." You replied, biting your bottom lip.
"Who is her real father then?" Bucky asked you.
"I don't know." You shrugged, looking back down at the floor. "What I do know is they want her back. She's an asset to them, she was doing a heavy amount of work for them. It took three people to figure out the things she could do on her own."
"Like what?" Tony asked.
"Computer programs, genetics, weapons, anything that would take a team of men. I found out cause she told me that was programming long range missiles."
"What?" Tony's voice rose an octave. "Who's your ex-husband?"
"Brock Rumlow." Your eyes finally met his.

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