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      You sat down on a bench, Steve sat next to you as the two of watched Bucky and Kayla play tag. Bucky purposely taking it slow so she would have a chance, your daughter's laughter filling her air. You fidgeted, looking around, the park was pretty empty despite it being beautiful day.
     "I haven't seen him this relaxed in a long while." Steve confided in you, a wide smile on Bucky's face as snagged your daughter yelling tag.
    "Not since before the war, its good for him to get out and cut loose. He's holed himself up in the tower since he came." Steve scanned the park briefly as he leaned back. "He doesn't feel he deserves to be a part of society."
    "Why's that?" You asked, turning your head to the man beside you.
     "Cause of the stuff Hydra made him do." Steve sighed, running a hand through his hair, unsure of how much to tell you.
      "What did they make him do?" Your eyes narrowed, browsing scrunched together.
     "That's for him to tell you." He finally met your face, a sad smile on his face. "He likes you, you know that, right?"
    You thought about the other night when his lips brushed your cheek. You could feel your face become warm at the memory. You shot your eyes down, shaking you head.
     "I have too much drama going on, it wouldn't be fair to drag him into it." You replied, trying to push that thought from your mind.
     "I think maybe you should let him decide if it's too much drama for him. He's a grown man, and has dealt with a lot himself. I think you should give him a chance." He cocked his head as you looked back up to him. Your daughter bounded up, beaming, grabbing Steve's hands.
     "Mr. America, will you push me on the swings?" She asked him, he let out a hearty laugh as he stood.
    "Yes, but only as long as you call me Steve from now on." He replied to her, he looked back down at you with a smirk. "Give it some thought, okay?"
      He walked off with Kayla hand in hand toward the swings as Bucky walked up. He flopped down on the bench next to you, and leaned back throwing both arms over the back. A big smile plastered to his face, taking in a deep breath.
    "She wear you out already?" You giggle, he swung a look at you and shook his head.
    "I asked her if she want Steve to push her on the swings, told her I wanted to talk you for a bit." His words softened, a cloud seemed to pass in front of those bright blues of his.
    "About what?" You bit your lip nervously.
    "There are a few things I wanted to tell you." He sighed, nervously drumming his fingers on the bench behind you. "I was once under control of Hydra, they were the ones that injected me with serum."
    "Okay." You weren't sure where he was going with this but you had a feeling it lead down to what Steve had started to say earlier.
   "They had a way of brainwashing me, I've done some pretty horrible things." He looked away from you, fear welled up in his chest. He didn't want to tell you, but he needed to. He had to be honest with you. "They used me to kill a lot of people, a lot of good people. I was the Winter Soldier, I was there asset, just another weapon."
      "But you didn't want to?"
     "Of course not, but I remember all of it." His words came out pained, you had to hold yourself back not to reach out and wrap your arms around him.
     "Then that's all that matters. Look James, your a good man. I see the way you interact with Kayla, the night you made sure I got home safe. You're a good person, whatever they made you do, that's on them not on you." You told him, placing your hand on his knee. His eyes swept to your hand before he brought them back up to meet yours.
   "I realize that, it's still taking some time to sink in." He sighed. "I have problems sleeping at night, that's why you see me watching tv late sometimes."
    "I just assumed you were a night owl." You smiled at him. He placed his hand on yours, the warmth in his eyes had returned finally.
     "So, I do have a question for you though." He bit his lip, his nervousness had returned again.
     "And that is?"
     "Could I possibly take you to dinner tonight?" Your heart skipped a beat a such a simple question. "I'm sure Steve would be more then willing to watch Kayla for you and Nat will be there to help him."
     Did he mean as a date? You weren't sure how to react, of course you wanted to go but it's been so long since you had been one. Actually it had been years since someone had shown any interest in you, not that you'd given dating a second thought.
    "Are you sure they'd be up for that?" You asked septically.
    "Of course, Nat is Clint's kids unofficial aunt. Boy wonder over there is fine with it." He laughed lightly. You pondered for a moment longer.
    "Then yes, I'd love to go have dinner with you." You giggle when he lets out a sigh in relief. "As long as it's somewhere semi casual."

   Later that evening you had put on an old dress you managed to find. It was simple, a deep royal blue, with swooped down neckline. It was knee length and sleeveless. You looked at yourself in the mirror, you hair was pulled up and make up light. You knotted your hands in front of you, nerves going crazy.
    You hadn't heard your apartment door open, nor Natasha greeting you child. It wasn't till you saw a reflection in the mirror. You spun and faced her, a coy smile on her face, her arms crossed and hip leaning against the door frame.
    "If that doesn't stop Barnes dead, I don't know what will." She said, looking up and down.
    "I feel too over dressed, does it look that way?" You rushed your words, heart hammering lightly.
     "No, I think you look like..." She paused, looking back out the door way, checking for little ears. "Like sex on heels."
     "What?!" You choked out, eyes wide as she walked up to you.
    "You look good." She smiled sweetly, grabbing your arms lightly. A whistle from the doorway startled you, you jumped lightly under the red heads hands. Your head whipped around the intrusive noise. Steve, he was smirking from the door way.
    "Darn straight." He added, Kayla bounded around the corner. Grabbing Steve's arm, she turned to you, her crystal blue eyes went wide as see you.
     "Mom, you look amazing." She breathed, slowly walking to you. You knelt down in front of her.
    "Thank sweetheart, now you'll be good for Steve and Natasha, right?" You asked her, she beamed back to you her head nodding in reply. A knock at the door sent butterflies dancing through your stomach and your heart racing.

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