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"Rumlow is dead." Tony told you flatly, relief flooded you for a brief moment. Till you remembered.
"Doesn't matter, he has Dr. Kenzie as a back up guardian." You finally sat on the edge of the coffee table fatigue started to set in.
"Look, Y/n, as long as you're here, you and Kayla are safe. None of us will let anything happen to you." Tony stood from the chair he had been sitting in. He knelt down in front of you and grasped your hands. "We know the kind of people your ex dealt with, we can help you."
"Tony, you barely know me." Shutting your eyes tight, trying to hold back tears for the second time tonight.
"Doesn't matter, you need help, and that's what we do. We help people." He said with earnest, you looked up. Your eyes met his, you nodded in reply, afraid of crying.
"Its late." You sighed, slowly rising to your feet. You made your way back to your room after bidding both men goodnight.

"So buckaroo, what's your take on that?" Tony asked picking the medical charts up off the table again.
"Wouldn't surprise me that Hydra would try injecting the serum into an embryo." He replied rising from the couch.
"It's an interesting idea, when my father used it he injected it into major muscles." He rubbed his face absentmindedly, walking to hall with Bucky. "I wonder how they manage to do it."
Bucky walked back to his room, splitting from Tony, who was now rambling about god knows what. He stopped in front of his door, and looked over to yours. He barely knew the two you himself but he had the strong urge to protect both of you from whatever came your way.

The next morning you were getting your daughter ready, she had just finished her cereal when she stopped working on her notebook. Bright blue eyes landed on you, a small coy smile graced her lips.
"Yes, Kayla?" You looked over to her, her small smile turned into a full blown grin.
"Mom, can I help you today?" She asked.
"You want to help me?" You chuckled. "Okay, but you have to try and talk to people, deal?"
She nodded her head vigorously, jumping up from her spot. The two of you left your room and made your way to the common room.
"Alright, so why don't you go pick up the living room and I'll pick up the kitchen. Then we'll make a bunch a sandwiches." She took off and started picking up magazines and empty dishes. You set about your day, your daughter talking a mile a minute about Tony's programs.
Once finished, you both made your way to the gym. Her eyes became wide as she walked in, she tugged on your arm pointing at Steve who was sparring with Bucky.
Bucky's arm glinted through his movements catching the light from above. He moved fast, striking and kicking, he reminded you of a big cat. Each move was calculated and smooth. You were in awe watching him.
"Mom, you didn't tell me Mr. Barnes was James Barnes of the howling commandos." She hissed excitedly through her teeth.
"I didn't know. Who's the howling commandos?" You asked her finally moving from your spot.
"Like one the most awesome teams. They took on Hydra! He was lost during a mission." She whispered, following you helping pick up towels.
"Oh." You looked over at him, currently he had Steve pinned. "I didn't know that."
"And Captain America lives here?" She almost squealed.
"I don't know, Kayla. I'm not sure who all lives here." You replied, trying not to laugh.
"Hey y/n, hey Kayla." Bucky announced walking over.
"Mr. Barnes, is your arm vibranium? How does it move? Is by electrical impulses?" She squeaked as he neared, she rushed up to him in the short distance. You bit your lip, stifling a laugh.
"I think she means hi." You say loudly at your daughter, who stopped for a moment, regarding you, her face flushed.
"Sorry, I just have so many questions." She marveled at his arm, he knelt down to her level so she could look better at it.
"Yes, its vibranium. It does work on some kind of electrical pulse I assume." He answered her questions, looking back up to you. Your heart swelled at the moment, a lopsided grin on Bucky's face, your daughter continued to throw questions at him.
"Mr. Barnes, your a super soldier aren't you. Just like Captain America." Her eyes met his when he turned to face her.
"Hey y/n," Steve's voice pulled you away from your daughters conversation with Bucky.
"Hi, Mr. Rogers." He walked up beside you, looking at Bucky and the girl.
"Please, call me Steve. I'm guessing she is your daughter that you telling me about."
"Yes, and right now she's figuring out how James's arm works." You crossed your own arms, a smirk on your face.
"She's a cute kid." He stated as he watched them interact.
"I'd have to agree, but then again I am her mom." You look over at him.
"Mom!" Your daughter ripped down on your arm. "Oh, hi, Mr. America. Mr. Barnes offered to take us to the park, can we please go?"
"Uh." You stammered out, your chest filling with dread, Kayla's eyes sparkled, a broad grin on her face. Bringing her here had given you enough anxiety, that some how the two of you would be found. The very thought of going into wide open space, like a park, you could feel your chest tighten with worry.
"I mean if that's with okay you." Bucky added standing to his full height.
"I can go too, Tony filled me in." Steve added, smiling. Your daughter's eyes got bigger. She pressed her hands together, bouncing slightly.
"I guess we'll go to the park then." You sigh nervously. Kayla shrieked, jumping up and down, grabbing Bucky by his arm. Even through the anxiety building you couldn't help but feel your mood brighten by your daughter's excitement. To see her latched onto another person, talking a mile a minute, with nothing but pure joy, you couldn't of asked for more.

Me, her, and YouWhere stories live. Discover now