Chapter 1

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Lasha's POV

"Now boarding Flight 169 to San Clemente, California."

Me and my sister Malia are spending the summer at our grandmas. I'm a little nervous, I haven't seen my grandma since I was little. Malia was excited because she has never met our grandma. We are now boarding the plane and Malia gets the window seat and I get the middle. Then all of sudden I hear somebody ask me something that I didn't understand. I look up to see the most captivating brown eyes ever. Oh My God! JC Caylen is talking to me, I can not fan-girl in front of him.

"I'm sorry I didnt hear you, can you repeat your self?" Damn I'm good at keeping my fan-girl under controle, who knew!

"I asked if anyone is sitting here."

"Only you." I say which makes him smile.We start to take off so I put on my head phones on and drift off into a peaceful slumber. 


We have been in the air for about 10 minutes now and I still don't know who Lasha was talking to earlier, so being the nosey person I am I lean forward to get a good look at the person. OH MY FLIPPING CARROTS she was talking to flipping JC!!!!!!!!!! Wait they are cuddling in their sleep awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww my baby is growing up! *tear* (Lasha is older than Malia. Malia is just weird.) I take a picture of them and post it on twitter saying "shes not a teddy bear JC." and then I tagged both of them. Most of the plane ride consist of me taking pictures of them when they did cute things as they sleep. Wow don't seem like a creeper at all *note the sarcasm*. The flight attendant said "please buckle your seatbelts we will be landing shortly." I decided to wake Lasha but her and JC looked so cute, they were holding hands and everything. I ship it!! I didnt want to wake them up but I woke them up anyways. 


Malia just woke me up. Whose arm is around me? Whose hand am I holding?What the fuck is happening right now?!?! I then turn to look and the Justin Cloud Caylen is freaking cuddling with me and holding my hand!!!! This just has to be the best day ever. I wake him up and tell him we are about to land, and that I was sorry for falling asleep on him. He just laughed and said " It's fine dont worry about it. plus between me and you, I enjoyed it. " I could feel my face heating up. Wait was he flirting with me I think he was! OMFG JC CAYLEN IS FLIRTING WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As the plane lands he lets go of my hand to get our bags down, once he gets all of our bags he grabs my hand again. I just look at Malia and smile, she mouths "GET IT GIRL!!!!!" 

JC and I walk out of the plane and he lets go of my hand and runs to a group of guys. OMG that can't be... I think it is...OMG it is...Its O2L!!!!!!!! *mentally fan-girling*. I look at Malia and see her starring at them. I wave my hand in front of her face but she doesn't move or even acknowledge my existence its like its just her and the O2L boys. I look closer and notice that ThatsSoJack is with them. Ohhhhh that's why Malia is acting like that. You see Malia has this huge crush on Jack because she says they are perfect for each other. I mean it is really weird that they have almost everything in common,  but then again so do Sam and I. Who knows maybe we are meant to be...


Jack is here, in the same place as me, breathing in the same air as me...Oh My carrots! Is this really happening!?!? Someone pinch me... I come out of my thoughts to see Jack, JC, Sam, Kian, Ricky, Trevor and Connor start to walk over to Lasha and I. Holy Shit! excuse my language but OMG I feel like I might faint.

JC introduces Lasha to all the guys and then I think he realizes that he doesn't know my name because he is awkwardly starring at me.

"You know its not polite to stair." I say with my normal amount of sassiness.

"Wow shes sassy, I love her already!" Ricky says and puts his arm around me. Malia do not fan-girl I repeat do not fan-girl. Conceal don't feel don't let them know!!!!!! Sorry Frozen moment there...

"Yeah well thanks, I think? But anyways my names Malia and you guys just met my sister Lasha."

"Hi Malia I'm Jack!"

"I know. I mean nice to meet you." I look down wow do I really have to always embarrass myself?!?Jack chuckles and gives me a hug.

" I see your a Fan."

"Shes not just a fan she is obsessed with you, she knows almost everything about you, but that's probably because you guys have almost everything in common." Lasha says. Oh My God she did not just say that! As if I need help embarrassing myself!

"Well I'm happy to see I didn't scare away all the pretty girls with how I always talk about One Direction."

"Seriously? When she heard you like One Direction she fell in love!" Lasha said. She better stop that or she is going to start something she cant finish.

"Anyways..." Jc said "Here's are numbers so we can all hang out together. "Omg I have Jacks number and O2Ls!!!!!!!!!

"Thanks, we'll text you later. Bye" I said and with that Lasha and I went to find our grandma.


Ok so my sister and I are writing this together so it might take a bit to update but we will have decent length chapters. My sister is CarrotWomen so feel free to follow her...Feel free to look at her story's they are pretty good.

Stay beautiful...

-Lasha & CarrotWomen

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