Chapter 2

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We were walking through the airport trying to find our grandma for about 30 min when we finally find her. "Hey grams its Lasha do you remember me?"

"Of course I remember you dear! Who is this lovely girl next to you?"

"This is Malia my sister, she was born not long after you moved here."

"Well hello Malia, looks like we will have to catch up on...well... your whole life story!" Grams said with a laugh.

"That sounds great!" Malia said and then she hugged grams. I think grams was a little shocked because she didn't hug back immediately.

"Ok well I guess its time to go to the house, Lasha I think you and my neighbors son with get a long great! And Malia he always has friends over....." Grams says winking. Yep she is totally are Grandmother, I mean she's like an older version of Malia. We put are stuff in the car and start to drive to grams house.

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////At The House///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


We get out the car and I see some very familiar boys playing basketball next door. Holy mother of carrots, Sam is my grams neighbor! Ohhhh Lasha is going to be so happy!!!!! I was too busy watching the guys then to paying attention were I'm walking so the next thing I know I'm falling to the ground. Just before I land on my face two arms wrap around my waist and pull me up to them. I turn my head and see that Jack was the one that caught me.

"Thanks that would have really hurt." I say with a slight blush on my cheeks. In my mind I told myself I guess I'm literally falling for him.

"No problem, I mean we wouldn't want you to hurt that pretty little face of yours now would we.?" I stare at the ground trying to hide my Ruby red cheeks. I guess it didn't work because he says. "Your cute when you blush." This only makes me blush more and Jack's smile grows.

All the guys start to come over and Ricky looks between me and Jack and wiggles his eyebrows. I look down and realize Jacks arms were still around my waist. I think Jack noticed to because he lets go and takes a step back. I soon find myself missing the warmth of his touch.

"Hey looks like you met Sam and his friends." Grams says like its no big deal at all.

"Ummm yeah we actually met them earlier today." Lasha says.

"Thats great! Why don't you guys go pick you rooms and then come out and hang with the guys."I can't believe my grandma just said hang...

"Ok" I say then grab my bag and run into the house trying to find the best room. I open the first door one the right and I can already tell this is my room. The walls are the color of Nialls Horans eyes (blue),There's a king size bed off to the right with a white canopy over it. I open the door closest to me and see a huge walk in closet. The next door lead to the bathroom. What!!! I have my own bathroom! I love Cali!!!!!I set my bag down and go to see what room Lasha picked.


I run into the house hot on Malia's tail but instead of turning right I turn left and end up in a white room, theres a bed off to the right side with black and white poka-dots on it. The first door I open up is a walk in closet, SWEET!!!! The next door is a freaking bathroom! I get my own bathroom bitches! My bathtub has jets and the shower is on the celling!! I can already tell I'm going to love it. I go to look out my window I see Grams start to leave to go get some food probably. I hear somebody say something and I look out my window and I see Sam and the rest of the guys sitting in a window. My phone goes off I look, it is a text from Sam.

Sammy Wammy 💕💖✨💞💋: I think I'm going to get use to this(:

I just smile and shake my head and text him to get their butts over here. I ran to Malias door to tell her they were coming over. She had a huge smile on her face and she is texting someone, its probably Jack. She finally looks up and says " what do you want lasha??? Can't you see I'm busy!!" 

"I was just going to telly you Sam and the guys are bout to be here if you wanted to hang out with us. but whatever" I said and walked away to get the door. all I hear is "WAIT IM COMING"  I just laugh and open the door and let the guys in. One by one they hug us, Sam is the last one to hug me and I feel sparks so I pull away i think he felt them too cause he did the same.......


I really like Lasha and I don't know what to do. I've never been good with girls. I mean my last girlfriend and just broke up with me, I don't want her to feel like the rebound girl....


Yeah new chapter!!!!! 

Too bad no one is really reading this... :(

If anyone wants to date one of the guys tell me and you just might... all I need is a name and description!

Stay beautiful...and remember don't listen to what the haters say your amazing just the way you are and you shouldn't try and change that. God made you the way you are!

-Lasha & CarrotWomen

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