Chapter 8

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My eyes feel like they weigh a hundred pounds, and I don't have enough energy to lift them so I keep them closed. I hear voices around me but I only reconize one of them and thats my sister Lasha's. I can tell most of them belong to guys, but why are guys in my room? Why is anyone in my room? I decide its time to open my eyes and with much dificulty I do but then I quickly close them again because of the blinding white light. I open my eyes again to see Lasha crying on a cute guys shoulder and the guy is trying to comfort her, another boy is stairing at Lasha with longing. I see an old Lady who looks alot like my mum yelling at a very fit boy and another boy is just glareing at the boy while the old lady is yelling at him. Three guys are sitting next to my hospital bed watching all the crying and yelling. WAIT!!!! Why am I in the hospital!?!? 

" Lasha why am I in the hospital?"

" Oh my god Malia you're awake!"

" What do you mean awake?"

" Malia you were uncontious for 3 weeks..."

" WHAT!!!!!" I scream.


" Why are these people in my room?"

" Because they are our best friends and they all care about you."

" How can they care about me when I don't even know them.Why aren't mom and dad here."

" Malia mom and dad are back in Ohio and we are in Cali with Grams. Connor can you go get a Doctor?"

The guy that I'm guessing is Connor nods his head and walks out the room.Connor.....Connor....why does that sound so familiar?

" Hello Malia how are you feeling?" I'm guessing the doctor asked.

" Um, I feel fine other then my head hurts."

" Ok are you suffering from any memory loss?"

" Yes she is she can't remember ever coming to Cali, meeting the guys, watching the guys videos..."

" Ok well she did hit her head pretty hard so that's probably why she lost her memory."

" Will she ever get it back Doctor?" The guy that was glaring at the other guy asked. They are talking like I'm not even here. 

" She should. It might just randomly come to her or an object could trigure her memorys or even a person."

" So basically what your saying is you don't know when she'll get it back." Lasha said and the Doctor nodded his head and walked out.

I unhook all the wires and tubes from me and get up, grab the clothes that were by my bed and head to the bathroom. Damn I look like shit! I get dressed, fix my hair and wash my face.I open the door to see everyone crowded around the door and looking at me. 

"What the hell are you guys looking!?!Lasha take me home I can't stand hospitals!"

"Ok, are you hungry we can get Tacobell!?"

"Ewwww Tacobell is gross! Why would I want to eat that? And anyways I'm not hungry."


Malia not hungry!!!!!! What has this world come to?! And Malia loves Tacobell, she Loves it. She loves it so much that if she could she would marry it! Everyone is staring at her like shes crazy.

"Stop looking at me like that!"Malia said in her uncomfortable voice.

"We are sorry dear, its just that Tacobell was your favorite place to eat before you lost your memory and you are always hungry, even when your eating you are hungry!"Grams said.

"People do change grams."Malia says and Grams just nods and we drive home.

////////////////////////AT HOME////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


I feel so bad. I wish I could remember but I can't. I feel like I'm letting everyone down! Like Jack he's so sweet and is trying so hard to get me to remember.Its around 3 in the morning and I can't sleep. I feel like I have slept enough for a life time. I walk around my room looking at all the photographs when I stop at a picture of Jack and I at the beach.

That was are first date. 

The memory keep coming, Lasha and I coming to Cali, finding out Sam is are neighbor,the night Jack asked me out, finding Lasha and Sam trying to make baby's in the kitchen...ewwww did I have to remember that memory? Then I remember Jack and Kian fighting and Kian accidentally hitting me.So thats why everyone is mad at Kian I feel so bad! I really should tell them that I remember but first I have to go see Kian. I creep out of the house only to see Kian on Sam's porch crying. I run over and hug him.

"Kian please don't cry! Its ok!"

"No Malia its not ok! I made you loose your memory!"

"Kian its ok I remember. You shouldn't feel bad you didn't mean to!'

"Of course I'm going to feel bad you can't- Wait you remember!"

I nod my head and then he runs into the house. What the... 


I hear foot steps running down stairs and out side only to be squeezed to death by the people I love and I can't believe I could ever forget.


I know its not as long as normal but yeah........I don't know what to say.... OH I'm so sorry that it took so long to update I was at camp and Lasha can't really write without me.......Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!     Oh and if you want to be in the story just comment and give me your name what you look like or want to look like and who you want to be with and Lasha and I will try are best to work it out!

Quote:Maybe its not about the happy ending its about the story that got you there.

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