Chapter 9

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This chapter is going to be like a interview so you can kind of get to know what the characters are thinking and/or random things


INTERVIEWER: How do you all feel about all these feelings and love triangles?

Malia: Honestly I think we all should be happy with who we are with.

Kian: Well I think that a certain someone should stop acting like Malia's boyfriend when hes not.

Jack: Well I think that Kian should shut the fuck up and let me have Malia.

Connor: It doesn't really seem real, it seems like something you would read in a story.

Trevor: Yeah like something a fan girl would write on wattpad!

Ricky: Well... JC needs to grow a pair and tell Lasha about his feelings.

*play Loved you first by One Direction*

JC: I am happily dating Lia so.......But really I love you Kian but you should let Jack have a chance at love, I mean you were dating Andrea not to long ago.

Sam: I hope JC doesn't have feelings for Lasha because I have feelings for her and I loved her first.

Lasha: Love... who said anything about Love?

INTERVIEWER: OK.......................... Next question, Out of everyone here who would you kiss, kill, marry?

Ricky: Well most of are answers would be the same since there are only 2 girls so why don't we just have the girls answer.

INTERVIEWER: OK that sounds fine so girls who would you marry, kiss and kill?

Lasha: I would marry Sam, Kiss JC, and Kill.....Trevor.

Malia: And I would Marry Jack, Kiss Kian and I too would kill little Trevor.

Trevor: Man I really feel the love guys!

*Everyone laughs*

INTERVIEWER: You know they love you Trevor.  If you could meet anyone who would you meet?

Ricky: Nicki Minaj!!!!!!

Trevor: Lady Gaga!!!!! Oh my God I love her so much!

Sam: Fifth Harmoney

JC: Leonardo Dicaprio 

Lasha: This is a tough one I think I would meet either Justin Bieber or Cameron Dallas. I'm going to say Justin Bieber cause he would be harder to met because Cameron Dallas  goes over to the O2L house.

Malia: ummmmm well I would have to pick between One Direction or 5sos.....And the winner is *drum roll* 5sos!!!!!!

Jack: One Direction, even if I already met them.

Kian: Selena Gomez because she is fine

Connor: I would meet John Green again because he is awesome and I love The Fault In Our Stars and Looking For Alaska!

INTERVIEWER: So who is single????

Malia: Single

JC: taken

Sam: I have my eyes on someone

Trevor: Single

Ricky: Single

Jack: I two have my eyes on someone.

Connor: Single

Kian: I have my eyes on someone *cough* Malia *cough*

Lasha: I have my eyes on a few people.

INTERVIEWER: OH really and who would those lucky boys be?

Lasha: Well not to sound like a hoe but there are quite a few, you will have to read to find out!

INTERVIEWER: So you want to keep us guessing. Ok thats fine. What is your favorite drink?

Maria: Watermelon Arizonia 

JC: Sweet tea arizona

Kian: Arizonia tea in general for the O2l guys.

Lasha: I like Arizona tea mostly Sweet Tea or Arnold Palmer and also Baja Blast!!!

Malia: Omg I totally forgot! I love it too!!!!! Well I love Taco Bell in general so......

INTERVIEWER: And that leads to our next question where is your favorite place to eat?

Everyone (But Jack): TacoBell!!!!!

Malia: If I could marry Taco Bell I would.

Trevor: Taco Bell is Life!

Jack: Panera 

*Everyone looks at him like he is an alien from another planet.*

Kian: How can you not like Taco Bell!?!?!

Jack: I like it I just dont like it that much.

Malia: I dont think I can go out with you any more.

*Jack looks down with a frown*

Malia: Just kidding! I still Lo- Like you Jack!

Ricky: Malia what were you about to say? Were you going to say you LoVe Jack?

Malia: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 

Interviewer: OK...Well thats all we have time for today. 

Everyone: BYE KEEP READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey guys leave a comment below of who you think the interviewer is/was.

Next chapter should be up soon.

Quote: You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you -Agustus Waters Fault in our stars.

Stay Beautiful...

-CarrotWomen & Lasha

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