Those Eyes...

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"I'll be back in a bit Panther, don't break anything" I tell my cat like he understands me. I grab the long and slightly cold lighter from my wood drawer. I light up the candles on top of my stove. After lighting the candles and putting the lighter away I take in the aroma of the smells all around. Then I grab my coat, pull up my mask and I shut the front door. Once I step onto the street I plug my headphones in and smile as I press shuffle on my favorite playlist... No. Best playlist on my phone by BTS the most amazing group of artists and humans ever. I have been living in Seoul, South Korea for more than a year now and I still love it every day I get to wake up here. I live in a small but beautiful apartment with my cat Panther. I love my neighbors, my apartment and just everything about being here in South Korea.

I check my watch and it's about 20:13 pm (8:13 pm) and there are a couple people on the sidewalk with me but many cars on the road

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I check my watch and it's about 20:13 pm (8:13 pm) and there are a couple people on the sidewalk with me but many cars on the road. I'm headed to CU a convenience store here in Seoul to pick up some cat food and human food for yours truly. Soon I get to the intersection across from CU and I wait for the okay to cross. Not paying attention a group of people push ahead of me to cross the crosswalk, I soon follow behind. I push open the glass door and hear the cute chime as I walk in. The only people I notice in the store is the cashier and a person with a tan trench coat over in the hot chocolate aisle. I head over to the small section where they have pet items. I grab some organic cat food because Panther is very picky and will not eat anything else. *I roll my eyes and smile thinking about that little drama king*. I then head over to the microwave meals and scope out my options. I read 닭 알프레도 (Chicken Alfredo) and next to it 페투치니 알프레도 (Fettuccini Alfredo), I shrug my shoulders and grab both. Finally, I head to the beverages and grab a pack of Banana Milk (바나나우유) and hot chocolate. I look down at my hot cocoa admiring the cute logo on the cover and BAM! a flash of tan and a figure standing over me crosses my vision. I end up on the floor and my head spinning when that person I saw in the hot chocolate section is kneeled down next to me. I cannot make out there face but all I can tell is their mask is pulled up right below there face. The person comes closer and soon I can make out their eyes, I feel myself gasp as I see the dark and rich brown eyes of this unknown figure. The deep pools of cinnamon in their eyes made a wash of warmth and safety run all through my body. I feel my pounding head grow rapidly and the black in my eyesight gets worse when my vision goes blank.

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My eyes blink open slowly and all I can see is blurred. I feel what I am laying on is what I think is a couch. Damn this is soft, this must be expensive as hell. I think to myself. I see a small movement in the corner of my eye. A figure moves in front of me which makes me jump up and start blinking quickly. My vision comes in to focus when I acknowledge the amazing penthouse I'm sitting in. The smooth marble and clean decor are what I could only dream of in an amazing place like this.

 The smooth marble and clean decor are what I could only dream of in an amazing place like this

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"Are you feeling better?" A man's voice says that makes me jump. I quickly glance over to the seat near me to see Park Jimin sitting there looking concerned. Not beliving what I see, my mouth drops open while I stand up and I smack myself to wake myself up from this crazy dream.

"This is not real" I say to myself under my breath. "Please sit down you need rest, you took quite a hit to the ground" Jimin says again. He grabs my hand and I can see in his eyes the concern so I sit down still shaken. *Am I really sitting right in front of one of my biggest idols right now??* I ask myself over and over. I look over at Jimin and at the penthouse and back at Jimin.

"I know this is a lot to take in right now but trust me you are not hallucinating" He says with a little giggle at the end. That giggle gives me a little reassurance in where I am. "I-I have so many questions" I reply.

"I know, and I promise I will answer all of them but you need to calm down first" He says and strokes my hand gently. His hand touching my skin sends a tingle down my spine and calms my breathing and anxiety. I let out a big sigh and gaze over at him admiring his impossible beauty.

"Okay, what do you want to know?" He says calmly. "Where am I?!" I let out louder than I meant to be. "죄송합니다" (I apologize) I say with respect. "Its alright I can't imagine how crazy this is all for you anyway, you are at our current penthouse in Seoul " Jimin says while looking around the room. "Um, who all is 'our'" If the rest of the gods are here I'm going to flip this table. I say to myself with wide eyes. "Well you know the rest of BTS brothers are here but most are taking a nap" As soon as his words come out I feel hot tears but what I think are happy tears drain from my eyes and run down my cheeks. I quickly cover my face in disbelief. Jimin quickly comes and sits next to me and removes my hand from my face and uses the end of his long-sleeve shirt to wipe my tears. "You have no idea how much I love you all, you guys mean so much to me" I say when he wipes all my tears gone. Then Park Jimin, yes you heard me right, Park Jimin leans towards me and wraps me in an embracing hug and all I do is melt into him. "Thank you" He whispers.

"Ay Jimin where did you put my clothes from the dry- OH um" An instant familiar voice comes from the other side of the room. I fall out of Jimin's arms and glance up to see Suga standing in his bath towel.

"It's alright Suga this is- um I didn't get your name" Jimin turns to me. " Tiauna" I say looking down at my bare feet. "Ah, beautiful name Tiauna, she will be staying with us for some time now" Jimin tells Suga. It takes me a second to hear what he says then "What?!"

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