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I shut the cupboard quietly putting the last dish away and make sure everything is put away correctly. I look over to the living room and see Jimin and Jungkook laughing while watching something on the huge flat screen. No one is in the entryway except Panther who is sitting in the window cill glancing outside. I head up the stairs and head to my or I and Tae's room. I see no one in there but I admire how artistic and gorgeous it is. The room walls are all white with a bed in the far corner under a good sized window with sheer white curtains. Next to the bed is two small fluffy bean bags and a black nightstand with a cute little electronic clock next to a few chapter books. The plain wall above the bed is taken by a big Van Gogh painting with a few smaller paintings surrounding it. On the wall next to the bed is two sliding doors cracked open to the closet. On the wall close to the entry door there are two clear glass shelves, one on the bottom with a few adorable little plushies and the shelf on top has some framed pictures of Tae with his parents, siblings and his bandmates. Below the shelves is a white desk with a large desktop computer and a chair. I notice that on the opposite side of the room is a blow-up mattress made neatly with a bunch of soft blankets. That must be mine? I smile at the fact that he must have made it up for me knowing I was staying with him.

I grab my phone to see what time it is and I read 8:48 AM. Ugh, can they be here already? I say thinking of my friends who are on their way. I shove my phone back into my pocket and head out of the room. I look down the hall into Namjoon's room to see him at his computer focused on whatever he is working on. The only other room that is open is Suga's who is getting dressed, he doesn't see me but I can't help but look at his defined muscles in his back while he slips on his shirt. I look away and start down the hall, I take one step down the stairs but stop when I hear something coming from the recording studio down the hall. I walk towards the closed door and the closer I get the more noticeable the sound becomes, It's Taehyung's angelic singing voice. I don't recognize the song he is singing but I put my ear to the closed door to hear him better. I feel my body weaken as I take in the haven that is his voice. His voice touches me so deeply that tears fill the brim of my eyes. Just then, I hear a door creak open and shut from behind me. I turn my head away from the door to see J-Hope walking down the hall but stop and turn his ear towards me to hear what I am listening to. I forgot about the tears in my eyes and quickly wipe them away. J-Hope understands what I'm listening to and mouths to me 'He is so good'. He makes me smile as he says that and when he notices me smile he flashes one back at me and heads downstairs. I turn my head back to the door to hear the god-like singing, I hear him hit some majestic high notes but soon go down to my absolute favorite low notes. He suddenly stops singing as the music also stops but I hear from downstairs a door open and close abruptly. I look over the railing to see where it came from but all I could see was Jimin and Jungkook looking towards the entrance. I hear the door behind me open and I swing my head back. I see Tae standing there, he raises his eyebrow questioning why I'm there but then quickly smiles at me with his deadly box-smile. I feel my heart melt as I immediately smile back. He steps out of the doorway closing the door behind him, as he looks to me I feel a tingle fly down my spine. I see him lick his lips as he is about to say something but right as he does we hear a loud voice.

"I'm here!!" The recognizable voice yells from below us. I swing myself around as I run down the stairs and see Lizzy standing with 4 suitcases crowded around her.

"Lizzy!" I scream as I sprint and jump into a hug with her. I feel how cold her coat and hands are from the outdoors. "I can't believe your here!"

"Me neither! This place is amazing!" She says in awe looking around.

"Wait, how did you know I was staying here," I ask stepping back.

"Oh, well... I may have a tracker on all my friend's phones..."

Don't Leave Me || K.T.H. ||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя