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I don't remember the ride home, mostly because I was on the brim of passing out or I was passed out, somewhere in the middle. The only thing that was on my mind at this point was how in my weakest moments I still managed to build enough strength to run to Tae in desperate need of safety. And in that weakest moment, even though I had anxiety and panic building up he still somehow relieved it just with his soft touch and presence. Knowing he is there or even with me causes me to feel psychologically safe. Though I may not be in a safe position or place I feel protected and unscathed with his existence. I may not have had anything in my past like this to make me psychologically safe but I know now that I have found that one true thing or being that makes me truly happy and that someone indeed cares about my well-being. Being with him and connecting feels like we've done all of this before, It's like we have this instant connection internally. When we are with each other I can't think of anything else and I feel that we are the only two people in the world at that moment. 

Then, a shine of bright light coming from above me was partially blinding me from waking up. I cast my hand in front of my face to block the harsh ray of light. I sit up feeling myself on a soft piece of furniture, once my blurred vision is in its regular state I recognize the room to be I and Tae's room. I frantically check my pockets for my phone which is not there. I then scope it out from the desk across the room, I walk over and check to see the time as it is 6:50 AM. I slide my phone into my back pocket and head out to see how everyone is doing. As I head down the stairs I hear a lot of people raising their voices but I only see 6 figures. I try to look up to see who it is but the room is so bright I only look down and head to the kitchen for something to eat. As I walk, by everyone's voices come to a hush and I can feel their stares on the back of my neck. I hear a set of feet walking up to me as I'm squinting my eyes into the light of the fridge.

"Hey.." I hear Rachels' voice say.

"I'm fine if that's what your asking"

"Oh, well that's good... but I think some other people want to talk to you if you want to... if you don't I'll tell em' to buzz off," She says warmly.

"Okay, also can you please help me find something to eat I'm starving and my vision is like my great grandpa's right now," I say turning to her.

"Of course," Rachel says as she takes the door of the fridge for me and continues to search. I blink a couple times for my vision to work as it comes back slowly. I see Lizzy sitting at the bar but Namjoon, Tae, and Jungkook are standing up in front of the bar. As I walk up they have continued their little argument. 

"I don't care if you were drun-" 

"It wasn't his fault Tae he was drugged" Namjoon cuts Tae off trying to reason with him. 

"Who was drugged?" I ask walking over feeling like a real-life zombie. I see Tae jog over to me and wrap his arm around me to keep me from stumbling and he helps me sit down at the bar. 

"I don't know if you remember last nigh-" 

"I do," I cut Namjoon off not up to talk about it.

"Well, before we left I found a pill in the bottom of Jungkooks drink which was a type of stimulant which causes people to act out irrationally and in aggression" He explains as I look up at Tae who was already staring down at me with his arms crossed in anger but his face at me showing apologetic and guilt. As I hate seeing him in this state I grab his hand out of the fold of his arms and intertwine it with mine which makes his face soften.

"Well, who put it in his drink?" I turn back dazed.

"We are thinking that it had to be our waiter," Namjoon says.

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