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The brim of my eyes open to the shockingly bright room I remember falling asleep in. I feel that my chair is harder than I thought. I take my cheekbone off and yawn as I squinch my eyes and reach my arms out to stretch. I clear my eyes open recognize that what I thought was my chair and what I was resting on was Taehyung's shoulder?? I jump back in complete shock and almost tip myself off the office chair.

"Careful," He says as he stands up reaching out as to catch me if I fell. I blink about 10 billion times to make sure what I am comprehending is correct. Shit, was I really just sleeping on his shoulder? How did that even happen?

"I-I'm sorry," I say quickly to shorten the uncomfortable silence. He chuckles and scratches the back of his perfectly wavy smooth hair.

"For what?" He asks as he smiles and his action brightens up the whole room and clearing away all darkness that ever existed.

"I don't know, I'm sorry" I say relaxing as I was still in the same stunned position.

"You apologize a lot" He says and laughs a little.

"Sor- Ok" I say looking at the carpet and feel my cheeks burn up with a switch like a heated fireplace. I perk up as I hear him laugh with a little joy which brings an easy smile to me it makes me light up inside to hear him happy.

"I heard you singing" He comments shortly after. My smile shuts down as I pass a hard gulp of air down. "You're good.. like really good in fact and that's actually my favorite song"

"Thank you, It's my favorite song to" I say as my heart starts to pick up the pace.

"Also, when I came home I just saw a hot chocolate sitting out and I can't resist any hot chocolate... and It was literally the best and most delicious cup of hot cocoa I have ever had and I didn't know who made it cause I'm the only one who makes it around here, so when Jimin woke up I was drinking it and asked him and he said you did but it was for him, well I just wanted to say it was like super good and probably better than mine" He tells me with a gummy smile.

I smile knowing someone besides myself actually likes something I made and who else better than HIM. My heart pounds hard just being in the presence of him. I peek up at him smiling and looking really interested in talking to me while glowing with perfection at the same time. I have to get out of here I'm going to have an anxiety attack.

"I think I hear Jimin calling me" I say and push myself up and take a step out of the doorway as I'm stopped by the warm grasp of his hand around my wrist. I turn around and gaze into his pleading eyes.

"I didn't hear anything, and plus I really want to talk to you" He explains. I stare down at his hand still clenched around my wrist and at the same time he notices where I'm looking and takes his hand off right away. He looks up at me again and motions towards the opposite chair from him. "Please" Ugh how could I say no to... well HIM. I bite my lip and take a deep breath happy that I can talk to him but also scared that I might say something wrong.


After a time of awkwardness, it slowly turned into laughs and smiles. Impossibly after a little while of talking to him, he managed to calm me down and somehow he must have known I was getting really bad anxiety cause he just was himself and made me feel like I was just talking to one of my really close friends. He learned a lot about me as I did him and he told me that he feels like he's known me forever. I remembered how Jimin told me about how Tae feels rarely comfortable with certain people and he told me he felt that with me. He also explained that he didn't want me to know that it was him who found me because he felt that he would weird me out or I would not want to get to know him. I told him how I would never treat anyone like that especially him.

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