Chapter Eleven || School Darlings

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- Harry! - I called out. 

He stopped and turned around, his face blank and tired.

- Yes?

-Lets go ask the House Elves if they can bring us anything, - I said, catching up with him trying to sound as cheerful as I could.

Harry nodded. He seemed to be ashamed of himself now and I could almost see the confusion in his face.

- Would be a great help if you tried to talk, - I said, - I'm feeling a little disassociated at the moment and could do with some conversation.

Harry glanced at me.

- I'm sorry I... it was... I mean I don't know you, but...

- Oh Harry, stop it, - I said, almost angrily because of the pain I was still experiencing. - I know what you feel. I think since there's no one else in the school who's so vulnerable, I think we should try to be friendly towards each other.

Harry nodded and he pointed down the corridor.

- That way.

We walked, side by side in silence.

Until he asked:

- What do you hear? Or see when those... things come?

I looked at him, debating how much I could tell him.

- I hear the words that hurt me most and feel excruciating pain.

- Physical pain?

- Emotional pain so strong it turns to physical.

Harry nodded.

- You?

He shrugged his shoulders.

- Never mind, you don't have to tell me. - I said.

- I hear my mother screaming. And Voldemort laughing. My mother.. and father died when I was little, - Harry said quietly. - Voldemort murdered them.

I couldn't help but stop. Harry stopped too, uneasy, as if he was regretting what he'd told me.

- I wish I could say something more sympathetic than "I'm sorry", - I said. - I have no idea what you must have gone through.

Harry nodded - again. I decided to keep walking and he followed me.

- Hot chocolate? - he asked, after a while.

- I could do with something stronger, - I muttered and looked at Harry again. And somehow that was the best thing I could have done. Because for the first time since we shook hands that evening, Harry Potter smiled.

It was a much merrier Harry and I who left the House Elves, hot chocolate in our hands and an invisible bottle of brandy in my pocket.

- I still can't believe they gave you that, - Harry laughed as I winked at him and fingered my pocket.

- Being of age does wonders, - I said. - Sometimes I feel like alcohol is the only thing worth becoming of age for.

Harry laughed, again.

- Did I give you more than a few drops? - I asked, furrowing my brow playfully.

- I feel.. giggly, - Harry confessed, trying to pull himself together.

- I'm relieved to see you relaxed, darling, but if Lupin finds out, he'll be after my blood.

Harry looked at me.

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