02 - the party

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                             - The party -

It's not normally my scene, I would like to stay home and wait for Lauren to come back and tell me the crazy shit she witnessed or caused. Unfortunately here I am in some random persons party.
"He's new and so many are here that's so strange." I witness the house already being filled up and we came early to satisfy my home by eleven needs.
"God I wish I was this popular, can you imagine the pussy he gets?" Lauren leads the way through the living room, creating a path I can follow towards the kitchen.
"Ryan said he'd be here." I grab her shoulder and lean in so she could hear me better.
I glanced at every corner, through every open door we pass looking for my boyfriend Ryan.
"Fuck that guy, we need to find me a girl." She turns to face me.
"This obsessive tendency to get attached to someone and then leave them when the week ends because of your abandonment issues has got to cease." I shake my head, gripping my phone in my hand tighter as others start to bump into me.
"Ignoring that because I'm high and want to have a good time." She starts before shifting her gaze.
"You need to find someone new someone like him." She points over to a tall, dark, and handsome man.
He seemed in a rush, he pushed passed people out the back sliding door to go to presumably the backyard.
"He's cute and he looks upset and that interests you." She says just as my brain makes the same thought.
"I have a boyfriend." I shake my head.
"So? you can't have cute guy friends?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me.
She seems eager to get rid of me, I ruin her high most of the time and she hates it.
"Go." She pushes me passed a couple people and I just awkwardly smile goodbye to her while walking to the back.
Less and less people were outside, I see the guy sat facing the backyard fence mumbling to himself.
"And I love that about you, it's my favorite thing actually."
"Fuck. No. I can't say that."
"Yikes, who's the lucky girl?" My voice startled him and he spins to face me.
"Jesus, you scared the hell out of me." He gripped his chest and then scanned the area to see if anyone else was near.
It was silent for a second but he looks back up at me.
"Wait, you're-"
"Rylands girlfriend, yeah. Damn you're new and are already in with the crowd huh." I crouch down to sit on the floor beside him.
Rylands my boyfriend I'm supposed to be happy whenever he comes up in conversation but lately it's been bumming me out.
"Nah, you're Elle woods. I was told I had to ask you to consider a late entry for AV club." He smiles.
"This late in the year? Sure but we already have a school news stars, camera work for you it is." Will I remember this conversation after being avoided but my boyfriend all day? No, because I'm planning on drinking my problems away.
"And for newspaper, robotics, and the student council." He says.
"What?" I question, confused at the string of clubs mentioned.
"You're the leader of those clubs that I was trying to join. You're a pretty busy girl." He unwraps his legs from criss cross and lays them straight In front of him.
"How will you be an asset to our team?" I interwind my fingers and straighten my posture, pretending to be a job interviewer.
"I did all of those at my old school in Canada ever since middle school. Im familiar with everything, I don't have to do much I just want to assist with whatever you need." He shrugs.
"Who were you practicing confessing your love to?" I question, it wouldn't leave my mind, I had to know.
"Madison. Don't tell anyone but I moved here for her, she's the love of my life."
I had to laugh, it escaped me. I covered my mouth and cleared my throat ceasing the laughter.
"What? You know her?"
"We all know her." She rolls my eyes.
"She's seems cool but she has no boundaries. She's hooking up with her best friends boyfriend. We all know it." It's a fact no rumor here.
Lauren's been to enough parties to walk in on Madison fucking Justin plenty of times.
"Justin." He nods.
"Oh so you know about this whole debacle? And still like her?" I like that he isn't like the guys around here, they hate talking about his they feel and are only talking to you so that they could get laid later on.
"Yeah, she said she had a threesome with them and he just wanted to leave the friend for Madison but she begged and cried to stay together and he felt bad. So that's why they're still together and Maddy's still fucking Justin." He explained.
"I probably shouldn't have said all of that." His eyes widened.
"No, this is awesome. Lauren's theory was completely correct." I chuckled.
The music from inside blasted outside, a guy by the back door fumbling with the outside stereo which finally turned on.
There were only a couple people on the other side of the yard, gathered around the pool some kissing and others passing a blunt around.
"Don't tell anyone I said any of this. Im just nervous."
"Gotcha." I nod.
"Wanna dance?" I push myself off the ground and stand up, brushing the back of my jeans in case any dirt got on them.
"Yeah, okay."
He stands in front of me.
"Sounds ridiculous, but I just wanna slow dance to this rap music." I pull him closer and wrap my hands around his neck.
"Slow dance? To Kendrick? Alright." His hands get closer to my hips but then he moves them away, I grab them and wrap them around me.
"It's a goal of mine to just do what my mind tells me to do this year." I put my head on his chest as the song blasts, every beat based boosted to a billion percent.
"Who's Ryland?" He asks after a couple minutes of silence.
"Is he good to you?" He asks.
I pull away from him and stop dancing.
"What? You asked me like a billion questions."
"He was." I cross my arms in annoyance.
I think I already fucked it up, who asks to slow dance after he proclaimed his love to someone else. Worst of all why am I getting so angry at the mention of my own boyfriends name.
"What happened?" He gestures to the bench closer to the pool of people and I follow him.
"He was sweet, then got super buff and hot and the captain of the football team. Things just went downhill, his homies and how others say him became more important than remnant birthday or anniversaries." We reach the bench and I sit down beside him.
"And you haven't broken up with him because?" He pushes for more.
"I miss how he was before. He would go up to my window like in stupid romcoms and sneak in with pizza and a squished flower he stole from someone's front yard." I smile, he was my favorite person ever and now I just despise him.
"Okay you're just describing what Troy did in High school musical." His head shakes with big grin plastered on his face.
"I have literally never seen any of them."
This seemed to trigger something in him.
"I- there's- WHAT." He seemed offended as if the movie was the best.
I look at the pool as people start whistling and chanting, my attention wavers over to them.
"Is that-" he starts shocked to see what was happening.
"That's Madison." I nod.
Her hands around his neck, giggling after every kiss, a moaning escaping her lips as the water splashes at the up and down motion she's doing on him.
"With my boyfriend." I finish my sentence, a sigh of defeat followed.
"Let's just go." A hurt look on his face made me feel bad.
This is such a shitty situation. He grabs my hands and pulls me toward the fence door that led to a path towards the front of the house.
"Oh like leave-leave, I don't even know your name." I say as we make it towards the front of the house.
"Zion." He turns to me.
I looked at him and felt safe. If Ted Bundy were active during this time, he'd definitely get me.
"I live down the street, you can walk me home." I suggest.
"I can." He nods, stepping onto the sidewalk.
I pull out my phone, texting Lauren quickly.

'Headed home. stay safe ily. call if you need anything.'

"What do you want to be?" He asks.
"Single." I quickly answered with a chuckle as I put my phone away.
"That was good." He laughed.
"But no seriously." He bumps my shoulder with his, the streetlights lining the neighborhood being the only source of night this late.
"A writer. Travel the world and just write and photograph."
"Mm" he responds.
"What? Is your aspiration better than mine?"
"No no. I used to want to be doing something with sports and get a scholarship with that but now I just think that's useless. It's not what I want."
"Then what do you want?" I started to feel the cold hair of the night get colder with ever step I took. My arms crossing, hugging myself for warmth.
"I like to write too. Songs and poems mostly." He answers.
There was silence for a bit, we walked over half the distance to my house already.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked.
"Madison having very loud and public sex with Ryland."
"Oh yeah, that definitely did happen." I say, the memories rushing back made me squeeze my eyes shut before opening them again.
I stop in my tracks almost missing my home.
"I feel like the one drink I had before even stepping foot into this party isn't gonna do it for what we saw." I state, walking up my driveway.
I turn to see Zion stopped at the driveway.
"Come in." I wave him to join me.
"You still have a boyfriend. It seems wrong." He shakes his head.
"Hey I'm not going to fuck you! I just want a couple drinks and maybe a trauma dump from each of us before ending the night." I wave more aggressively.
He looks around, contemplating.
"Fuck it." He shrugs, heading towards me.
We go inside and take some of my parents alcohol stash and stupid wine glasses to put it in.
"My parents are out of state until Wednesday." I inform as I pour whatever fruit alcoholic mixture I managed to grab into the glass.
"The car in the driveway scared me." He took a glass, holding it with class. Pink out and everything.
"To not being loved back." He raises the glass.
"I almost forgot again please don't bring it up." I groan, sadly clinking out glasses together.
Overtime we grew more and more sleepy. Playing music on my laptop while we tasted a couple bottles of fruit mix alcohol that is most definitely my mothers. By the end of the night I was out, my head on his lap while we were on the rug on my floor. The repeated soothing feeling of his hand on my back rubbing back and forth made it easy for me to drift away tonight.

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