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"What are you doing here?" Dylan asked as he opened the door to Elle.
"What do you mean? I said I was coming." She confusingly replied.
Dylan hesitated but then opened the door for her, "Ryland said you were staying home." He explained.
"Well I decided not to." She shrugged heading into the house.
"Elle!" Lauren called out already having a joint placed in between her fingers.
"Hey Laur." Elle greets her with a hug.
"Rylands here." She whispers into Elle's ear.
"But He said he wasn't coming." Elle furrowed her eyebrows.
Elle places her bag on the couch and makes her way to the houses backyard. She walks up to the chairs surrounding the fire place and stops, seeing Ryland sitting with Madison on his lap.
"Hey guys." Elle fake smiles, her eyes scanning the guys sitting on the chairs.
"El! You look so beautiful." Zi's eyes scan her body and he smiles.
"Aha thanks." el walks over to Zion while maintaining eye contact with Ryland and plans her ass onto Zion's lap.
"Ok. Wha- what are you doing?" Zi stutters as he goes to wrap his arms around her.
"So Ryland, you said you weren't in the mood to party?" She gritted as she snuggled closer to Zi.
"Your hair is in my mou- ahhh." Zion gags as he spits her hair out but Elle covers his face, pushing him away.
"Well, I changed my mind." Ryland gently pushes Madison off of his lap uncomfortably.
"I'll go get you a beer, El." Madison smiles at her before walking into the house.
"I'm sorry." Elle awkwardly whispers to Zion.
"It's fine, I'll play along." He smiles as he brings his hand up to her face, stroking her cheek.
"Hey, hey, hey." Ryland interrupted, jumping out of his seat to rush over to them.
"What's up?" Elle smiles innocently.
"We need to talk." He said grabbing Elle's arm and harshly pulling her off of Zion's lap.
"Ok, calm down." She rips her arm out of his grip and walks toward the house, Ry following closely behind.
"What are you doing?" He questioned angrily.
"What was I doing? What was Madison doing on your lap?" Elle harshly smacked his chest.
"We were just talking." He retorts.
"Oh then I was 'just talking' to Zion." She mocked.
"That's not the same. Elle I don't like Zion, stay away from him." Ryland warned.
"Then stay away from Madison, I don't like her." She crosses her arms and looked up at him.
"No, Madison's my friend. I'm not going to stop talking to her just because you told me too." He scoffs.
"Oh and I have to? Ry you really are a piece of shit." El spats.
"Right, I'm always the asshole." He laughs before his expression went back to angry.
"Because you are. You're a shitty boyfriend and I don't want to deal with you anymore so go, go fuck Madison like you've been doing. This is good for you because now you can fuck her out in the open, I don't care anymore!" She smiles as she laughs, walking away from Ryland.
"Fuck you Elle." She hears him mutter as she rushes to get upstairs since her eyes began to water.
"Fuck, I'm okay." Elle wipes her tears away as she walks into the bathroom.
"You're fine. I'm fine. Everything's okay." She told herself, locking the bathroom door behind her.
Her phones ringing made her jump, it was louder than an amber alert and Jesus she almost had a heart attack. She took a look on the lit up screen seeing 'curfew is now in place anybody who is seen on the streets from now on will be questioned and possibly arrested.'
She takes one last look in the mirror after fixing her hairs and shrugged.
"I'm fine." She says one last time before opening the door.
She walked out and stopped seeing Zion sitting on the floor at the end of the hallway.
"Zion?" El walked up to him and squatted down to his level.
"Madison tried to fuck me." He informed while rubbing his face.
"And that's bad?" She chuckles, sitting beside him.
"I don't want to have sex with Madison." He shakes his head.
"I wanted to make love to her. I wanted her to realize that I'm the love of her life, I wanted to marry her, and to have kids with her." He explains, laying his head on Elle's shoulder.
"Wanted? Don't you still want to?"
Zion sighed, there was silence between the two for a while until he finally replied.
"Let's go and get a drink. We need drinks." And with El agreeing with that statement, she grabbed his hand and headed back downstairs where everyone was huddled in the living room.

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