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I INSTANTLY WOKE UP, randomly i opened my eyes and jumped as if i fell in a dream. Soft knocking could be heard on my door as i looked at my phone to see the time was three am.
I stood up and dragged my feet towards the door, barely knowing what was going on. Lauren smiles at me holding her pillow as the door creaks open.
"Come in, Im gonna cuddle with you." i say as she silently squeals and rushes to my bed.
"Thank you i couldn't sleep." Lauren says as i get back into bed beside her.
I wrap my leg and arms around her while she pulled the blanket over us.
"Goodnight." i replied.
"GOODNIGHT." i heard my dad shout from the next room.
"what the fuck." lauren whispered.
I didnt even close my eyes for three seconds before hearing my phone go off. I groan, turning to face the side table and slamming my hand on it to try to find my phone. Once i found it i answered it, eyes half open, and my voice groggy.
"What the fuck do you want?" i answer.
"Did i wake you up? im sorry." zion apologizes.
"its three am."
"Its literally nine in the afternoon." he replies.
i pull the phone away from my ear and look at the time, my eyes adjusting to the bright light and sure enough its nine in the afternoon.
"I cant sleep, can we go for a walk?" he says.
"Fine give me ten minutes, ill be outside of my house." i yawn before hanging up.
I aggressively push Lauren awake.
"what." she says basically asleep.
"dont lock the door im going for a walk." i stand up and slide my slippers on and grav my phone.
"Dont get murdered." she said and then i instantly heard a snore.

princess | zion kuwonuWhere stories live. Discover now