Chapter One

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I didn't think at the age of 16 - a teenager that I would be doing everything for myself. Washing, Cooking, Paying for the bills and working my job around school. Life was shit. Having noone to look up to as my role model anymore. I was at the end of my Education, finished all my exams, now I was free for summer. But there's one thing, I dont want to live here, I want to start fresh. New life, new me. This to me was just the start of a long, fulfilled journey of ups, downs, happiness and sad times.

"You can't leave me!" Rachel cried. Rachel has been my best friend for 4 years, we've been through everything together. She was there for me when my parents left, and has kept me company, when noone else was there for me.

"I have to Rachel, I can't stay here. I need to make a new life for myself." I replied, I could see the sadness edging in her eyes, It hurt me seeing her like this. But what could I do? I couldn't stay here, no way.

"But, but Hannah, you're leaving me." she said, bottem lip quivering.

"I know, I am so sorry."

I turned and walked away. I couldn't believe that I had just walked away from my best friend. I unlocked the door, twisting the key clockwise, and slammed the door behind me. I ran up the stairs and hauled my suitcase out of the wardrobe. I need to pack up my shit, I thought to myself. My flight was tomorrow at 8am- too early. But hey! I'm getting away from here.

I had finally packed all of my belongings- clothes, personal belongings ect. I was ready for my new life in London. I hadn't really thought about anything, all I knew was that I want to move away, and nothing will stop me. Thoughts poped into my head-

×what if my parents find me?

×what if I dont succeed in london?

×what if this new life isn't for me?

Hannah. Think positive, I said to myself, over and over again. I got dressed for bed, and said bye to the house that was once a family home to my mother Jane, and father Jeremy. They moved away for certain reasons, but some reasons have not been uncovered. It's like they were running from someone, but who? Guess I'll never find out.

"Night Hannah." I said to myself, just like my Mother used to say to me when I was 10 years old. Back to the happy times of my childhood.


I was awoken by the sound of my alarm clock - 'Midnight Memories - One Direction'. I hit snooze, but quickly shot up in bed. I then realised what day it was. it was 4.30 am and my flight left at 8am. 3 and a half hours to get ready, get there and check in. I can do this. I arrived at the airport at 7.15am plenty of time to checkin and get something to eat. I passed through security no problem, grabbed a drink and my flight was called already.

"Flight EZY543 to London, please head to Gate 13" the overhead said.

Here I go. It's time. I thought to myself. No going back.


I arrived in London at 8.45am, a short flight. I then got a taxi to the house I was going to be renting for a while, this is the place I was going to call Home for the next few years, it was craaazy. All my other belongings will be arriving in a few days, so I have time to settle in.

I wheeled my suitcase down the drive, stood at the door and looked around. There was a house next to mine. Very nice car on the drive - must be rich. I opened the door, and slung my suitcase in. I took a deep breath, took in the smell of my fresh, new home. I was big. Living room, dining room,  3 bedrooms,bathroom and of course a massive kitchen- great for partys.

I walked up the stairs and picked my room, the others could be used for storage, I thought. I emptied my suitcase on the bed- the clothes were all crinkled, and looked like they had never been ironed. But of a matter of fact, they had. I hung every peice of clothing on a hanger, except knickers and my bras, of course. I like having my clothes neat, yes, ocd.

I decided I'm going to go for a walk, to get to know the neighbourhood and the surrounding areas, might make friends, find people that I could associate myself with. I can totally tell that this is going to be a long day..


First chapter of my wee fan fic for Ben. Please comment, vote ect it would mean loads:-) tell me what you think so far, ty:-)

10 votes & 10 reads for chapter 2!

sarah oxx

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