Chapter Three

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I woke up, to the sun splitting the curtains. I lay in bed and my phone vibrated- who could be texting this early? I checked it and obviously it was ben.

B- Look out the window, han x

H- Why?

B- just do it x

I decided to look out the window, and there he was. Standing, staring at me. I was mesmerised by his perfection. I opened the window slightly, "What do you want?" I said sounding mean, but of course I didn't mean it, play hard to get.

"Wanted to see you Hannah, I know it's been a day, but I really think we could have a great friendship Han." You smiled when he said that, and all memories of old male friends rush back.

"Thats cute, ben." you said smiling. "Night Ben."

I woke up, with a slight headache. Urgh. This will be a long day, I thought to myself. I decided to try and find Ben on twitter, so I searched 'Ben Pryer' and he came up. @ABPryer he had loads of followers, then I noticed he's in a band, @Officialmadband. I clicked his follow button, and then suddenly he followed me back. And he tweeted, '@hannah_xo hopefully see you soon Han?x' My mentions blew up. From one tweet, I had gained 100 followers, wow. I decided to tweet him back.

'@ABPryer maybe, maybe not;) text me smelly!' He retweeted the tweet instantly and again notifications blew up. I decided to tweet one more, before I got up and went downstairs. '@hannah_xo Feel like shit, just want a cuddle, Ice cream and a nice blanket!' Ben favourited it and simply replied with a ';)' he's a dick, I thought.

Half an hour passed, and I was lying on the couch when tne doorbell rang. "Come in!" I shouted. I couldn't be assed getting up to answer it because I didn't feel well. Bens voice made me sit up.

"Hannah, just bought you a few essentials!" He handed me a bag, ice cream and a fluffy blanket. Then he handed me a note, it read:- 'I can be your cuddle buddy for today;)!' I looked at him and stared. "Okay, you can be my cuddle buddy, only if you're good!"

He sat down, and lay beside me, his hand in mine, and our fingers interlocked. Ben and I were so close, and we hadn't known eachother for that long, but felt like ages. We cuddle, for what seemed 5 minutes,  but yet it 4 hours. He sat up, and looked at me.

"Hannah, you know you are one the most beautiful girls I've ever set my eyes on?" he said smirking. When he said that, I could feel my cheeks burning, then they started going a crimson colour - yes, I was blushing. I simply smiled, before I could reply, his lips came crashing into mine, and we were kissing. He pulled away, and laughed. "You enjoyed that didn't you?" he said laughing.

I just laughed, bit my lip and laughed. I slowly nodded my head, and he kissed me again, this time it lasting longer. He was tickling my bottem lip, with his tongue asking for enterance, I let him. Our heads were in sync,  it was bliss. I pulled away, and just smiled. Bens phone beeped.

'mum- where the hell are you Benjamin pryer!?' I quickly read that, and he showed me the text. I just laughed. He quickly replied, 'hannahs, don't worry!x' Ben and his mum were so close, it was cute. There was one thing I needed to ask Ben, I wasn't holding back.

"What's this about you being in a band?" I smirked.

"I'm in a band called M.A.D, with two other guys. Michael Sutthakorn and Dan Lewis."

Michael Sutthakorn. Michael Conwell Sutthakorn. I thought to myself. "You mean, Michael Sutthakorn from Belfast?" I laughed. "I used to know him, bit of a dick if you ask me." Ben just laughed.

"Yeah, mikes nice now. He's matured alot." I looked at him as if he was joking, but again, to stop me talking Ben sealed my lips with a kiss. "Sh Hannah, it's about me and you right now. Not michael." This made me smile, so without thinking about it, I kissed him back. I quickly pulled away, and checked the time. 9pm.

"Ben, it's 9pm. Omg." he laughed.

"Time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it. I better be going. Mum will go mad."

I stood up, and before I could move Ben picked me up, and carried me to the door. Kissing me, as many times as he could. He hugged me tight, and whispered "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I nodded. I watched him walk down the path to his house, and closed the door behind him.


Sorry haven't updated in ages, been really busy. but heres chapter 3 it isn't good lol

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