Chapter 2

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I grabbed a bite to eat- macaroni & cheese, literally could live of that. I tidied the dishes away, then decided to take that walk around the neighbourhood. I took a long stroll, passing people with dogs, children and ferrets. Ferrets!? who in their right mind walks ferrets. After about an hour, I decided maybe to introduce myself to my next door neighbours.

I'm Hannah, I turn 18 in 3 weeks and 3 days. My parents left me when I was 16, I was left to live for myself. I have brown long hair, blue eyes, and some would describe me as 'mainstream' tags these days. Oh well.

I walked down their drive way, I stood under the porch and knocked twice. Maybe they weren't in? their car wasnt there. All of a sudden the door swung open.

"Hello, er can I help you?" I tallish, brown haired boy said, wearing a leather jacket and skinny dark jeans.

"Erm, I'm new here, I live next door." I said shyly.

"Well, I'm busy." he snapped. Then the door got shut in my face. God how rude some people are these days. I walked up the driveway and walked down mine own. A good looking guy with a pure shit personality, great. Ha, there was one like that in my old school, Michael Sutthakorn he was called, wasn't fond of him that much. Total waste of space if you ask me.

I decided that tonight would be a me night, comfy pyjamas, no makeup, and just junk food. I put on white chicks, my favourite movie of all time. It was about an hour into it and there was a knock at the door.

Seriously, 11pm and someone finds it funny to knock at the door urgh. I unbolted the door, and too my surprise it was the guy from next door.

"What do you want?" I spat, "You made it clear earlier,"

He put his hand out, "Wait, please. I was having bad ex girlfriend drama, I'm sorry,"

"So you think it's acceptable to take a bender at your new neighbour?" I said trying to make him feel guilty. He shook his head. I opened the door, and he walked in. I sat back door on the sofa, were I was originally sitting.

The guy looked at me, "I'm Ben, Ben pryer" he said holding out his hand. I shook his hand and simply replied, "I'm Hannah, nice to meet you Ben." He sat down beside, and he asked alot of questions, about my life, why I moved ect. He was nice, definitely saw a different side to him.

"You like white chicks?" he questioned

"of course, who doesn't!" he laughed about my reply.

It was 1am, I was far too tired, maybe Ben wasn't as bad as I thought. He got up to leave so I showed him the door. "Night Han" he said, and kissed my cheek. I watched him as her walked away. There is something about him, his charm, looks I dont know, he is just special. Different, something about him. He was kind, polite and throught full.  I wish I could stop thinking about him, met him for a couple of hours and now he's in my head. I. Need. Sleep.

I woke up too 2 text messages, so I guess people have realised I've moved away for good, I thought to myself. I checked my phone to see it was an unknown message.

"Want to come round?" the message read.

I simply replied with, "Whose this?" A few minutes later, a reply.

"Ben." what, how? how did he get my number?this is weird.

"Urm, maybe, you have some explaining todo..x" you sent back, but minutes later realising you out an 'x' oh shit.

Short ass chapter, but seriously had my last exam and now I'm free from that horrid thing..called school.

comment vote ect :))

From Belfast to London.. {Ben Pryer Fan Fic}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora