Chapter 1. CARRRRL

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Paul's P.O.V
'God Paul did you really leave Carl alone for 3 HOURS, for heaven sake I hope he hasn't burned down the house' that's all I thought while running home. When I reached the house, I was pleased to find it still standing. All though the inside was more bloody then when I left. I soon heard heavy footsteps upstairs "C-c-carl, is that you?" is all I could say or manage at this point. "UP HERE" I heard Carl say, at this point I managed a sigh of relief. But who's blood is this? I walked upstairs to be greeted by Carl and a CORPSE?! (play video please, im to lazy to write the dialogue but i might get around to it one day. So... how was your day? Any ways onto the story)
After that little predicament, I stormed downstairs to the basement after screaming at Carl to clean the mess up. Soon I reached my room, slammed my door. I looked myself in the mirror, I was such a mess. My brown hair was mess, my blue eyes were blood shot cause I was trying not to cry, the clothes I was wearing were wrinkled and had a bit of blood on it. I just couldn't believe it, I just broke. Sobbing on the ground like a child that didn't get their way. God, I'm so glad the basement was sound-proof. I just couldn't handle the blood, all that blood.
(I'll explain why Paul doesn't like the blood in the next chapter, I hope you enjoy the story and sorry its really short)

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