A Request: Grocery shopping with Carl

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Request by: @RandomNerd132
"Like just imagine Carl and Paul grocery shopping" oh I imagined it all right.
Paul's P.O.V

It's that dreaded day of the month for me, it's the day I take Carl grocery shopping. I mean I usually leave him at home but he really wanted to come today for some reason, and I couldn't say no to his face. I looked at the time and called for Carl to put his shoes on.
"Carl I don't know why you wanted to come with me, but I'm scared already," I told him when he came down the stairs.
"Oh you'll see Paul." Carl spoke with a smirk.
Sighing I walked out with Carl behind me.
(Timeskip to the grocery store)
The car ride was relatively quiet which meant Carl was thinking of something and it scared me a lot more than you think it would. When I pulled into a parking space, I made Carl promise me that he wouldn't kill anyone there. He reluctantly agreed, but I know he crossed his fingers. Getting out of the car we walked in and I automatically heard whispers from people. I grabbed a cart and made the mistake of letting Carl explore.
A few minutes later I heard something being put in the cart and thought nothing of it knowing it was Carl. I heard it again and again then spoke,
"No Carl."
"Aw but why not?"
"Because we do not need 17 boxes of cresent rolls!"
"We do to!"
Hearing him start to pout I sighed and grabbed it and put it in the cart,
"That's it, now go explore the store and don't get in trouble!" I whisper-shouted only to recieve a hug and a smile.
(timeskip to when paul gets everything)
After I got everything on the list, I went on the hunt for Carl. Only to see him sneak into to the butcher section and go through the employees only door. Sighing I waited for him to come out (of the closet face, it Carls either gay or bi) of the doors telling employees my friend went to get something. Around ten minutes later Carl came out and his eyes widened seeing me waiting for him.
"Hehe, hi Paul..." he said nervously looking me dead in the eye.
"Carrrl.." I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose. Looking up I told him we're paying now, he swiftly nodded and came by my side.
(holy shit another timeskip)
After paying we went in the car, and I hit Carl upside the head and started backing up.
"What did I say not to do?" I asked him.
"Kill people..." he mumbled
"And what did you do?"
"I killed someone..."
Glaring at the road Carl was just looking out the window. The car ride was long and awkward but we got home. Taking the grocerys in I looked at Carl.
"You're putting them away."
I came upstairs a half an hour later to see Carl on the table with his head down. Looking at him I sighed and tapped his shoulder.
"You're gonna leave like in my nightmare, aren't you?" he mumbled to me.
"Look at me, please?" I begged
Carl sat up and look at me. I leaned in and pecked him on the lips.
"I won't leave, I promise."
What can I say grocery Shopping with Carl can be an adventure.


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