I live

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Yeah ok I'm gonna be off more than I thought.
Haha whoops
I've been drawing so fuckin much it's unbelievable. Like, I've been completely immersed in my book. And so, I decided to draw some more characters! I've drawn all of the angels in their vessels, I also drew some of their true forms (including Michael, Gabriel, and Jophiel).

 And so, I decided to draw some more characters! I've drawn all of the angels in their vessels, I also drew some of their true forms (including Michael, Gabriel, and Jophiel)

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Honestly love how these turned out! Jehoel and Seraphiel are the first born seraphim. Jehoel being the leader, and Sera being the protector of Metatron. After God disappeared, Seraphiel ran away seeing as Metatron was missing as well, all the while Jehoel is refusing to speak of the problem at hand.

 After God disappeared, Seraphiel ran away seeing as Metatron was missing as well, all the while Jehoel is refusing to speak of the problem at hand

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Don't really like how I drew Gabriel, I'll probably redraw him sometime. Anyways, Gabriel was caught helping Belial return to heaven. Now he's currently getting the shit kicked out of him by Michael. Michael plans to sort of become the #1 seraph, daddy's favorite, except we're skipping the 'daddy' part. He just wants to rule over heaven and he's taking advantage of heaven's panic due to God's disappearance.

 He just wants to rule over heaven and he's taking advantage of heaven's panic due to God's disappearance

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These are Gabe's and Michael's true forms. Aren't they pretty?? Haha kinda.

Ugh I hate how I drew Azazel, I'm gonna redraw him too

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Ugh I hate how I drew Azazel, I'm gonna redraw him too. Anyways, Cassiel is an archangel, he's known as the angel of solitude and tears. Yeah, kinda depressing. But, after Gabriel was captured by Michael, he was the one to carry Gabriel's messages to Belial. He ushered Belial to return to heaven as soon as possible, little did everyone know, Cassiel was actually working for a Michael.
Oh, and Azazel is a fallen angel. According to lore (and the internet) he's supposedly he angel that introduced weapons to humans. He also helped restore Belial's wings, in exchange that Bel takes him back to heaven. At the moment, Belial and his human companions are staying at Azazel's house in Saugatuck, Michigan.

 At the moment, Belial and his human companions are staying at Azazel's house in Saugatuck, Michigan

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Now these two. Probably gonna become my favorite, Sarathiel and Rosier. Sarathiel is a loyal servant of heaven, god, and humanity. And wants nothing more than the fighting to end and for Belial to die in a ditch somewhere, but she sees through Michael plan and alerts Belial or the problem at hand and warns him of Cassiel. Rosie is a fallen angel, he has wings, but they are just unusable. The feathers won't grow back and he can't heal them. He was once a former lesser-rank angel of the order of dominations, now he is officiating in Hell. He basically just oversees shit in Hell, he's basically Hell's manager. He will also come in later after the big fight between Michael and Belial.
What I love about these two curly-haired angels is that they're both pissy and hate Michael.

Ah yes, Jophiel

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Ah yes, Jophiel. Also called Yophiel, Zuriel, Iophiel, and others. She is known as the 'beauty of god.' She always preferred to take on the form of a young girl, usually one that appeared to be in their early teens. Jophiel loved to sit in mountain valleys and listen to the crickets while she made crowns out of the wild flowers that grew. The young cherub was always big-hearted and cared for all life, no matter how small. She and Belial stuck to each other like magnets, he always treated her with such kindness, they were the perfect image of brother and sister. That is until an accident happened, resulting in her death, and Belial had to pay the price. Forced to live amongst the creatures Jophiel loved so much for eternity.
Date posted - April 2, 2018

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