Chapter 13

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The next morning I woke up in Ross's arms. He ruffled my hair and sat me up, asking the dreaded question. "Now what?"

I sighed. "We can't keep living like this. We have to tell your parents."

Ross nodded. "You're right."

We walked downstairs hand-in-hand, bracing ourselves for either the biggest triumph, or the worst disaster.

Stopping in the hallway, Ross squeezed my hand. "Ready?"

It was much like the words he said to me last night. "Ready," I responded.

We stepped out into the kitchen, where Mother and Father were sipping tea and reading coffee.

"Good morning Beatrice, Ross," my mother greeted. I almost fainted right there. Did she just acknowledge us?

Ross looked just as confused and scrunched up his face. "Why are they so calm?" he whispered to me.

I started to shrug when my father spoke up. "Did you really think we didn't hear your moaning and groaning last night?"

My face flushed red. "Was it really that loud?" I said in a small voice.

Ross nodded, getting a pinch from me. "Eeeooww!" he squeaked.

Father put his newspaper down and stood up. "We never had 'The Talk' with you Beatrice."

My already pink face turned redder. "We used protection!" Ross piped up.

I kicked his leg. "We didn't do anything of that sort..."

"We kissed a great lot," Ross continued.

"You don't need protection for kissing!" I whispered back furiously.

Ross and I broke into clamoring about if it was 'the s word' or if it was just over-excessive kissing.

"Enough!" Mother stood up. Ross and I stopped immediately.

Mother took a deep breath before continuing. "Your father and I had a very deep discussion about this. And...well..." mother sniffled. "I-I-I guess what I'm trying to say is...I mean...well..."

Father hushed mother. "We thought if you truly love someone, I guess it's okay for a lady your age to...have a boyfriend."

My eyes widened. "Y-y-you mean it?" My parents nodded. "Take good care of my daughter Ross. I'm trusting you." My mother put a hand on Ross's shoulder. "Fine young man Beatrice. Good eye."

Ross blushed. "Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Parker. I won't let you down."

I turned to Ross and gave him a big kiss. Mother and father walked out to give us some privacy while the other Lynches walked in and whistled. "Get a room!" Ryland said.

But I don't care.

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