chapter 7

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*Maria's POV*

When my new daaddy went to go get the food i looked around the place. The mens room door swung open and i froze.

I knew that face, ever since the day i was born. It was uncle. He had a uniform on him so i guess he works here. There was a name tag saying, ' Ryder.'

I soon remebered his name, i had always hated that name. I stared to cry and daddy rushed over. "Whats the matter babygirl?" He asks.

"He's here...." My voice trumbles to show how terified i am. He turns and sees uncle walking towards us. He picks me up and runs out and to the car.

But Ryder follows. "Maria!!!!! Get back here!!!" I can her him scream at us. Daddy places me in the car and buckles me up. He quickly jumps in the front and starts the car.

"Give me my goddamn daughter!" He screached picking up a big rock. " Go the fuck away, shes mine now and you aint having her!" Yelled daddy back.

He was madder than he was this morning. But so did uncle. He took the rock and threw it at my window.

I screamed in pain when the glass hit me, the rock however manged to fly someplace else. "IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" Roared daddy. 

He ran out of the car to find that Ryder was already gone. He then came back to me. "Maria are you ok!?" He asked hoping i was fine.

I nodded my head then passed out to the sounds of crying.


My eyes slowly opened to find daddy on a chair, crying. I saw two nurses looking at me. "Good morning miss lee, are you feeling better?" The blonde one asks.

I nod my head. "Why am i here?" I ask quietly. "When the glass cut you it got you deep and you lost a lot of blood." The red one explains.

I nod my had once more and they leave. Daddy soon rushes over to me. "Maria are you ok? Im so sorry." He sobs.

I smile and hug him. "Daddy im fine, be a big boy." I start to giggle and he laughs. "Its not your fault he was there..." I said after we finished laughing.

He looks at the ground. "But still, i didnt act fast enough and you got hurt." He says. "IM OK!!!!!!!" I squel.

We both laugh again. "Love you babygirl." "Love you too"

Little girls are braver.(pewdiepie adoption fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now