Chapter 3

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Part three 

Olly pov 

We were in the canteen where some of the guys from nandos st Cardiff came and cooked for us. I had something planned which Sarah was in with she took two chairs away and set up another table for me and natalie in a different room I gave Sarah the look to take natalie out the room. I stayed to explain to the others where I am taking her. Tina (Natalie's mum) turned round and said to me 'thank you, you wouldnt know how much this means to her that you are taking time off you busy schedule to spend time with her and the other girls' 

I asked 'whats her favourite song of mine ???' 

Anne (natalie nan) said there's a few 

Thinking Of Me, I'm ok, I need you now, this song is about you, heart skips a beat or busy. 

Just a few then i said whilst laughing. I asked them what there favourite song was. 

Jess replied - Thinking of me 

Lauren said- Anywhere else

Vicky said - heart skips a beat, I looks at her and said 'why' her reply was it reminds of me of natalie at her 21st party.

Tina said 'I need you now'

Anne - oh my goodness. 

Aww ok well I will note them down and sit tight for tonight I wrote them all down. Right hope you all like the chicken I'll be back in about half hour for something else. 

I headed out of the door and they all shouted 'thank you olly' I headed towards the room that natalie was in I opened the door and there she was on her phone. 

Natalie pov 

I was waiting for olly or I thought it was olly coming to have food with me. Sarah left me in this room for about 5 minutes now all I could think about was why was I here what am I doing. I got my phone out and checked twitter and Lauren and Jess put a photo up which they had with olly I was jealous as I didn't have a picture with him. All of a sudden the door opened and there he was. 'sorry to keep you waiting babe' putting my phone in my pocket again looking up 'thats alright, what are we doing here and why arent we with the others?' I looked up at him stood next to me he grabbed my hand and brought me to my feet, he grabbed a remote and music came on we danced around his dressing room together laughing. He looked at me and said 'thank you' I looked at him and said 'what for?' 'for being here' with out thinking my reply was 'you will look stupid dancing on your own' he pulled me close placed my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist I looked into those beautiful eye and I was lost I could of been anywhere but right there it felt perfect I can't believe it I was here with the man of my dreams. 

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