Chapter 11

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The next morning we got up and we headed into town Olly needed a few things. It wasn’t long before he was spotted by some fans. They just looked at me thinking you’re not Sarah who the hell are you? Olly had photos with them all and then they went away. He looked at me and said "sorry about all that are you ok"

"Yeah that’s what comes with going out in public with you I don’t mind honest babe" he put his arm around me and we headed back to the car. We drove back to mine said goodbye to my Mum and Nan before heading back to Essex. My mum pulls me to one side out of range of Olly "you sure you wanna go back"

"Yes mum I’m sure I wanna be with him and he makes me smile and laugh like before you and dad broke up" it wasn’t nice saying those words out loud. Olly looked at me and gave him a look saying 'get our stuff now' I said good bye to my Nan who has gave us loads of food for our journey we got in the car and I turned to Olly "You are happy about us aren’t you?"

"Yeah if I wasn’t I wouldn’t off asked you to come to the states with me would I"

"Of course not it was just something mum said that’s all and I wanted to make it clear in my head"

It was Friday night and we just walked through the door and my phone went off it was my cousin Sam "Is it still ok for us to come over tomorrow?" she had to move near Essex for her job which was nice for me as I knew someone in the area I double checked with Olly if he hasn’t made any plans and texted her back "Yeah that’s fine come round about 6ish"

We settled in front of the telly with the fire on as it was really cold when we got back home. I wasn’t up late as I had to prepare the food for tomorrow, I went to bed before Olly and I kissed him good night and left him in the front room on the leather sofa with the fire on as I got into bed I heard him say "Its fine she’s gone to bed now" I wonder who he was talking to properly one of the 1D boys so they could have a game of Fifa or something online next thing I heard the door close, that’s odd he would of said something if he was going out or leaving wouldn’t he. I tried to get myself asleep but it was no good I tried to ring Sam but there was no answer it was about half 10 at night so she might of been asleep. It got till about just after 11 when I heard the door close again I wondered down towards the door and Olly walked in "Where have you been" I shouted at him "why didn’t you tell me you were going out!" I didn’t give him time to explain I went storming back into the bed room slammed the door and cried myself to sleep. He's cheated on was my first thought but I felt him get into bed and put his arm around me and he said "all will be explained tomorrow" I stopped crying and cuddled into him.

"I'm sorry" I whispered to him. He kissed me on my forehead.

The next morning I'm up early cooking breakfast for Olly a I’m sorry for shouting at you breakfast. I felt really back that I didn’t give him time to explain where he had been. He came into the kitchen with just his jogging bottoms on and no t-shirt "Morning lovely" I heard from behind me

"Good morning sweetheart" I replied

"Something smells good"

"Sorry if I woke you I wanted to do you breakfast in bed to apologise about last night I was out of order"

"No it’s my fault I shouldn’t have gone out without telling you."

I hugged him tight "I’m never letting you go"

"Good cause I don’t want you too, I got a surprise for you tonight"

"What you can’t do that, that’s mean I wanna know is that where you went last night to get the surprise?"

"You never miss a trick do you" I went to the oven and started doing Pancakes American style. "Yummy" Olly said rubbing his belly. I done our pancakes and we sat down at the Oak table just set back away from the kitchen suddenly there was a knock at the door. Olly got up and went to the door it was his mum 'HIS MUM I HAVENT MET THEM YET AND I'M IN MY PJS STILL WHAT THEY GOING TO THINK OF ME' was my first thought 'Oh god there going to take one look at me and think oh my god what has he got here' Olly led them in to the kitchen where we just eating our breakfast Olly's Mum came up to me and introduced herself and then his dad and they had a little boy with them it was there grandson Louis. When I made eye contact with Louis he gave me the biggest smile that I have ever saw. "Someone likes you" Olly said

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