Chapter 9

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The bride and groom finished there dance and there next song was 'Madness It Must Be Love' which had meaning to me anyway but I looked at Olly and said "I Love this song" 

"Me too I love madness" we were dancing and it felt like it was just the two of us in the room. It got to the part when it was nuts and we were dancing like idiots around the dance floor. The song finished and I just laughed I headed to the bar as Jess was talking to Olly and I got us our drinks my uncle pulled me to one side, he said to me "I've never seen you this happy in a long time it is nice to see, what ever he is doing it is bringing the old Natalie back"

"I know he makes me feel like Im the only one in his world and treats me so nice"

I headed back with our drinks 'two vodka pineapple' I smiled handed him his drink. I started to head back to the hotel room as it is getting late and I had to be up to drive Sam and Dave to the airport. I turned to Olly and asked him has he got plans for tomorrow or does he wanna stay in my room and Ill take him home tomorrow after dropping the bride and groom off at the airport. He looked at me and said "I havent got any plans and that would be lovely to stay with you tonight" he grabbed my hand and we walked to my room. I saw Sam look at me once I got back to my room I checked my phone I so many tweets texts and missed calls. I looked through the tweets in bed once I got out of my bridesmaid dress. Olly looked at the empty space next to me and asked "can I join"

"Of course" as I was checking the tweets I saw one that Olly tweeted today 'Have had a lovely day today cant wait til the next time' I looked at him "Thats a bit encripted isnt it?"

"It is only because I dont want people to jump to conclusions and break what is just starting" He winks and stretched his arms out and snuggled on down and I feel asleep in the arms of Olly Murs!

The next morning we were rudly awaken by the fire alarm going off. We rushed to our feet got our shoes on and headed out of the room making sure that I had my phone. I tweeted 'Bloody hell had a nice sleep and now up to the sound of a fire alarm :(' then just after I tweeted that Olly Tweeted me back 'Nice sleep eh ;)' I looked up at him and smiled. "Yes I did" All my family was pouring out of the hotel some of them looked worst for ware which I thought was quite funny. My mum walked out and seen me and she spotted Olly and gave me the Oh Yeah look. My phone went nuts with notifications as people was putting photos up from last night and there was a few of me and olly together. I looked at olly and said "Look people from last night have put photos up from last night I got loads of notifications about how cute we look together and why havent I mentioned that I had a date. He said "Tweet one of the photos". 

"You mad?" I said to him with a bit of hate in my voice.

"Why dont you wanna be with me?"

In my head I was like of course I wanna be with you I just cant handle the pressure that comes with going public.

"Yeah I do but I wanna make sure that you are making the right move beofre going public" I looked at him with general concern in my face. "We'll talk about it today not now in public with everyone looking and listening to what we are saying"

"Ok" he put his arm around me and whispered "Im not letting you go just yet"

It was ok to go back to our room it about 7 in the morning the sun was shining and it was already hot. We led on the bed with the TV on and all of a sudden I hear Olly giggle I looked puzzled at him. "What's so funny?"

"Your face in this picture" He turns his phone to me to let me see what he is smiling about.

"How did you get that?"

"I got Sarah to look you up on Facebook"

"Stalker and my family was joking about me being one Jezz"

"Your a stalker what since when?"

"I'm not but as I'm a huge fan of this bloke from Essex and know quite abit they call me a stalker"

"Ahhh whos this bloke I hope that he is good looking and knows how to treat a girl like you"

"Yeah I can see him getting on with my family and friends and vice verisa"

I got off the bed and headed towards the bathroom. "I wont be too long"

"Ok babe, Ill just be waiting here for you"

As I was in the bathroom it was amazing you could have music on in there so I picked olly 'Dont say goodnight yet' I was singing in the shower forgetting that he was outside. He was looking through my phone and checking my tweets I tweeted privately  Lauren Lyndesy Nicola about what has happened last night and how happy I was and I cant believe what has happened. All of a sudden my phone rang he dropped my phone. He anwsered my phone saying that I'm busy and could he take a message. Once I got out of the shower I looked embarressed as I relised that Olly was in the room and I was singing to his song and he got gulity look all of his face. "Whats up" I asked

"I answered your phone as it kept ringing and It was another male voice they didnt want to leave a message with me to pass on I hope I havent messed anything up for you"

" Can you remember who it was on the end of the phone their name?"

"No but they didnt seem happy that I was answering your phone"

I picked up my phone and looked it was my best friend Conrad, "Olly dont worry it was my best friend he is like my little brother Ive known him since I was six months old no need to panic I havent got a boyfriend that I havent told you about i'm 100% single and ready to mingle"

A sign or relief came across his face "Thank god for that, Where have i heard that saying before and I dont want you to be single anymore I want you to be with me."

"Yes I will" A massive smile came across his face he walked over and hugged me while picking me up and spinning around. "Can i get dressed now please?" I looked at him "What you doing for clothes today? as I think you wasnt planning on staying over night was you"

"No but I have just got Sarah to get me some clothes and drop off here" as he was saying that sentance the door knocked and it was room service with his bag and breakfast. "I hope your hungry"

"Where have you been all my life" I said sarcasticly

We got ready and Olly Clothes was delievered to my room, I rang Sam asking if she was ready to go to the airport. She was going to heathrow airport which isnt far from Essex so ill just drive Olly back home and then head back home. 

I placed all the suitecases in the boot of my car and we said all our goodbyes and headed on the road. As we set off Olly sat in the passenger seat and was incharge of the music I forgot that the album I had already in there was Ollys I blushed when 'Heart skips a beat' came on. Sam said "This reminds me of your 21st birthday Nats" Olly looked at me and said "Awww this song means a lot to you??" 

It didnt take long to get to heathrow hardly any traffic which I was confussed about as I thought Ill hit loads but I dropped them off at departures and headed towards Essex. We was talking the whole way there and we got so much in common. He directed me to his place. He asked me in for something to eat. 

Well I say something to eat it was take away that he ordered in. Olly turned round to me and said "Dont say goodnight yet Stay tonight and go home tomorrow if you want to" 

"Ok I'll stay tonight but I must go tomorrow" the doorbell went it was our food. Olly told me to sit down and make myself at home and he'll bring my food to me. When we both finished our food it was getting late Olly asked me "what my favourite film was??" I had a look through his collection and it was just amazing and I couldnt get over how many films he got. I picked one and put in the Dvd player and press play I looked at Olly and said "Hey you guys!" as the film started and I started to fall asleep. 

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