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Olly pov  

natalie was stood in my dressing room. I thought why wasn't she sat in her seat for the concert. She ran towards me and hugged me saying its isn't What it looked like I didn't want to believe her but as a tear fell down her cheek I melted and have her the biggest hug ever and said you wolly don't cry. We both sat on the sofa talking about stuff then John walked in he looked at olly and winked at him. Olly said natalie this is John they shook each others hands and both said nice to meet you. The I put my hand around natalie waist to get her to sit back down. We could here the crowd cheering. I forgive her there was nothing really to forgive her it was just a misunderstanding by me.

Natalie pov  

Olly has forgiven me in my head I was doing a little dance. We sat down with each other just talking and random stuff which I didn't mind I was talking to him the guy that my family has been mocking me about him. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and I asked if I could grab a pic of us please he said why not and he winked at me I could of melted. He looked at my phone and said have i met you before ?? I said yeah when u filmed deal or no deal. I said to him smile holding my phone as I went to take the photo he kissed my cheek. I looked at the photo and said that's nice. Ollys reply was with many more to come. I looked at him puzzled were we getting together. Then we just looked at each other we were getting closer I closed my eyes and the door flew open and again it was the band doing there little chant which they do before every show I said to olly I'll go and take me seat. He said see you after ?? Yeah sure I looked at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Just got to my seat as the opening chords of anywhere else started stood up cheering. Before he sung I need you now and he said that he has met someone that has took his breath away and he mentioned that she was here tonight the people I was with knew it was me olly knew it was me and the band but no one else he saw me and winked I could of melted on the spot. The lyrics lingered in my head all through out the show and it ended and everyone went apart from my group. It was amazing knowing olly sang it about me an Sarah and mark came and Got me and said that he is waiting for you.

Olly pov

What a night in Cardiff to top it off I found sound one that gets me. Her smile when I sang I need you know was amazing. I was sat in my dressing room waiting for mark and Sarah to return with natalie. But they walked in with out her Sarah had a look of concern on her face she sat me down and said look natalie is in hospital she fainted again when she got out side. Once the crowds have gone down we take you there. 'what have I done' 'shouldn't of let this happen' it's all my fault this was all going around in my head. Sarah said to me it's not your fault she could see what I was thinking. I need to see her. I grabbed my coat and hat and ran as fast as I can to see her.

Natalie Pov

Cant believe it all I can remember is Sarah and Mark coming towards me to take me to see Olly and I am in hospital "GREAT ONE" I shouted to myself which cause my mum and nan to run towards my hospital bed. Mum turnt to me and said "Dont worry Sarah and Mark has told Olly Where you are so dont worry" I asked where the others has gone too. just being curious on why people have left me its not fair why dose it happen to me all the time. But it was alright they have gone back to the hotel and they will see me tomorrow. As I began to cry there was a figure stood in the door way who could it be?

Olly POV

I couldnt get to the hospital fast enough I saw the entrance and sprinted towards them I went to the receptioist and said "What ward is Natalie In?" I thought to myself damn it I dont know her last name how can i be falling for someone when they know loads about me but I dont know anything about them. Lucky enough out of the corner of my eye I saw her nan I ran up to her asking trying to catch my breath where is she. I see that she was wake and talking to her mum who had a look of concern of her face,She noticed me in the door way. She had drips and a montior on her this isnt right she shouldnt be here I was thinking to myself I need to get her better. She started to cry as she did last time when she didnt know where she was. Then she was still crying but she saw me there standing there just looking at her. "come on in before someone sees you silly" her mum said. I walked in and sat down next to her taking her hand. "I'm Ok Olly" a familar voice said to me I looked up and Natalie was staring at me.

Natalie POV

I cant believe that he was stood there in the door way, did I mean that much to him or was he just putting on this act to show everyone how cares about his fans? more questions was floating around in my head. he came over and he took my hand. He whispered in my ear I wont let anything happen to you my sweet Natalie. The doctor walked in and said we are going to keep you in over night to observe you and if you are ok in the morning you can be discharged. I looked around the room and we were all smiling. Olly looked at my mum and took her to one side I thought to myself what dose olly want with my mum. All I heard my mum say was "If your sure then I dont mind" Of course not Olly replied. They came and told me what they have agreed Mum was going to go back to the hotel with Vicky and Nan and they are going to see me in the morning with a fresh set of clothes. Olly saw them out of the door and it was just me and him. I couldnt believe it that Olly murs was by my bed side what a lucky girl I am. He told me to move over so he could lay next to me he text sarah saying that I am ok and should be let out tomorrow :). 

He looked at me and said lets get some sleep and we have a nice day tomorrow. Was I spending the day with Olly again, I replied "arent I a lucky girl" 

"Yes you are" he put his arm around me I curled up in his arms and fell asleep. 

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