Chapter 6

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Natalie POV

I woke up with a startle wondering where I was, what I was doing and who was with me??

I looked at this guy laying there looking ever so lovely sleeping. There were questions going around in my head who is he? what is he doing here?

As I looked puzzled one of the nurses came in and said "you ok Miss Whiting" It took a little while for me to reply "I think I am but could you tell me who this is please?" The nurse started to laugh I looked on at her with a straight face she soon stopped laughing and whispered quietly "this is Olly Murs your sort of boyfriend but it isn't a official"

"Ohhhh Olly Murs" I said still had no idea who he was. The nurse looked concered and she said "Ill be back in 10miniutes" He moved slightly and opened his eyes and looked at me and said "Morning Beautiful" I got in a defencive pose "Its OK you are fine you should be going home today"

"How do you know this information and most importantly who are you?" I said In a voice that sound authoirtive. "where are we" with a single tear drop coming down my face.

Olly looked at me really puzzled and he got off of the bed and left the room.

Olly POV

I woke up feeling really refreshed seeing Natalie already awake and talking this was a good sign I thought to myself. She was talking to the nurse who just left the room as I woke up. I looked at her and smiled. She didnt have that all important glow around her that she had the day before. When I told her that she be ok and she should be going home today she asked the words that I didnt expect to come out of her mouth "Who are you" Is it right to loose your memory over night how can she not remember who I am. I looked at her and I thought got to get out of here before I someone sees me and Natalie cant back me up to say that she is with me as she didnt know who I was. I left the room to find a nurse to ask if this is normal. I finally found a nurse and she said "I was the one that came in this morning and she asked who you were I nearly broke down in tears as seeing you two together was so cute and she cant remember who you are which is upsetting to anyone, I have asked the doctor to go and see her and ask her different questions about what she can and cant remember" all I wanted to do is to sit and cry about it but I looked over my shoulder and smiled at the room that Natalie was in. I put my hat on my head and left the hospital I looked at my phone and it was a text from John "Alright mate, hope all is well. we thought that you might stay there the night so we just had a party in your hotel room, so expect a large room bill when you come back :)" I couldnt help but laugh and thought crap John and drink thats going to be expensive anyway. I got back to the hotel room and Sarah was at breakfast "wheres Natalie?" she asked I just broke down I tears. She got me into the lift and into my room where it stank of alcohol and all you saw John drapped of the sofa in the room. Sarah sat me down and got me to explain everything to her.


Natalie POV

Why did he just leave and who is this Olly Murs. It wasnt time for vistors but my mum came running through the doors. *I couldnt forget her now can I*She asked where this Olly Person was I looked at her and said "Who is he mum I just woke up and he was led next to me I dont know him"

"You cant remember who you were with last night or what we done last night"

"No I cant" I replied trying to hold back the tears.

"I'll be right back" "Nurse Nurse did you see what way the man went from that room?" pointing at Natalie room

"He said that he was going back to his hotel room"

"Ok Thank you so much for your help"

mum got my phone out of my pocket and called Vicky which was my friend that came over with us to watch Olly Concert last night. " Hi vix can you come to the hospital and pick Olly up on your way as Natalie dont remember anything from last night oh and bring your camera thanks Bye"

I texted olly from Natalie phone "Olly It's Tina Natalies mum vicky is on her way to get you in a taxi to bring you back to the hospital as we are going to ask Natalie some questions on what she remembers"

Olly POV

All of a sudden my door is banging and I heard a voice "Olly get up we need to go!" I thought that it was Sarah but it wasnt I didnt recognise the voice. I headed to the door and looked throught the peep hole it was Vicky Natalie Friend I opened the door "Hey, Whats up?" 

"We gotta go back to the hospital Natalie mum told me to come and get you"

"she dont remember me why shall I put myself through the pain for some I was starting to like and just met?" 

"Dont worry about that now we just need to get to the hospital" Vicky replied

We got back to the hosptial Natalie was talking to her mum and she recognised Vicky and she smiled at me, 

Natalie POV

We had the music channel on in the room and singing along then Vicky walked in with the guy that was here this morning all of a sudden I started singing to the song that was on the tv "are you still rocking converse with your old raybans"  The guy smiled at me I glanced at the TV and then back at him. Then it hit me who it was "OMG!!! Olly Murs!!! your Olly Murs

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