□{My First Stalker}□

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Warning  cursing is in this chapter


The rush to work was real , beads of sweat trailed down the side of your forehead .

You clocked in and sat at the counter waiting for the customers  to fill up the small shop . The place  was busy almost everyday which had  its pros and cons .

In 3,2,1

"(F/N) ! I thought you werent gonna make it this time ! I was worried that  our prized server wasnt gonna be here i mean its a Friday ! Thats our busiest day , glad you made it though "

Stated the boss of the whole place as they walked out of god knows where .

Giving a small chuckle and small you turned your attention back to the glass entrance  door .

Shoot , you forgot to switch the sign to open , getting up from leaning on the counter you hesded towards the glass door making sure to flip the sign to 'open' instead of 'closed'.

Whist  walking back of course it wasnt gonna be easy as you tripped on obviously Elizabeth's foot .

The bitch of the place  , she thought she could rule all the employees  just because she was given the  award of
' Greatest Employee '
Pffh greatest employee my ass .

She tormented  everyone and i mean everyone besides the customers and  boss .

She hated you the most though , thought you were an easy target , Hah !

Thats funny , you could beat her plastic ass any day !

Though that would cost you to lose  your job .

" Hah ! Looks like  little (F/N) here lost there step and fell face first to the ground,  keep making out with it ! Maybe than something will actually love you for once ! " Elizabeth laughed so loud in her prissy tone it could make your ears bleed , which you thought it did .

" heh heh very funny Elizabeth  now stop  being a bitch and peave me along with  your fake boobs , okay?"
Standing up you wiped off the dirt on your uniform .

Walking away quickly you  noticed customers  coming in .

" Just  so you know thry have a bigger future than  yours ! "

God how you wished she got the karma she deserved.

The day was slow with customers coming in and out , you couldn't  rub off the feeling someone  was watching you .

Yeah it could have been a customer but they hardly care about the employees  and only care about there caffeine filled drinks .

Time skip to afternoon

The day was over and you could go next  door to the Handa's place .

When walking down the side walk  you couldn't  brush  off the fact someone was just....watching you .

Everytime you turned your head or asked ' who's  there ?!' No response  was given .

The only thing that  took it off your mind  was the ding coming from  your phone .

Reading over the screen it said .

New message : unknown

What the ?

Since you felt a little brave today  you opened the message and read the newly sent text .

" Hey. It's Hirohito from the Handra family remember  ?"

Responding fast you felt relieved  though confused at the same time .

" hey . How'd  you get my number  ?"

" i have my ways ;)"

Not creepy at all .

"Your coming over right?"

"Of course im almost there ."

You turned off your phone ignoring the newly sent text from him , you saw the house a couple streets down so no need to respond. 

"Cant wait to see you there ;)"


You knocked on the oak door , immediately you were greeted with a quick meaningless hug .

" Come come (F/N) ! The table is already set with dinner , hope  you like  (F/F) !"

You nodded and sat at the dining room table .

It honestly looked delicious .

Once the whole family was set you all bwgan eating , it tasted like heaven. 

The conversation  was simple , questions like .

" where are you from? "
" Where do you work?"
" Any other family members ?"

Things on the topic like that .

Once dinner was finsihed you all sat on the couch watching some  nice shows and movies till it was 10pm in which you all agreed that it was time for you to go .

" goodbye Mr and Mrs Handa and to you too HiroHito ."

As you reached your house quickly you got multiple texts from  the smae person,  guess who ?

Hirohito of course.

You ignored them as you went to shower  and gor ready for bed .

Once you finished than you replied to the texts for about an hour  till both agreed on heading to sleep .

Though only one person went to sleep .

Hirohito POV

God she looked like any angel even when she was sleeping .

Her plump pink lips , her nice smooth skin , silky smooth hair , everything about her was perfect .

Her personality was everything  to me .

Dinner was especially wonderful !

She's  different  from the others .

She unique .

Maybe she'll be obedient  .

Maybe i wont need to hurt her .

I jumped down from the tree branch making  a perfect landing .

I snuck over towards  my house climbing up the thick birch tree in my backyard .

Without making a sound i successfully climbed into  my window .

Funny how my parents havent caught me yet. 

What would they do ?

Nothing cause i know they fear me.

Which is why i can use them to make my plan successful  .

To get  my lover  .

To get (F/N)


You were alone from the start.

Wow. Uhm this was actually pretty decent in my opinion 

Hope you guys enjoyed !

Bai bai

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