●{ Gifts For My Love}●

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It was Sunday , at 7'o'clock there was a knock at your door .

With a groan you slipped out of bed and went downstairs to open the door .

Peeking through the hole you saw it was the mail man .

'Mail ? For me ? I didnt order anything , amd im sure my parents wouldn't send me anything .'

Opening the door with a smile you totally forgot about what your wearing . Small shorts and a tang top .

A small blush formed on your face as you stuttered.

" m- may i help y- you ?"

" yes mam...uh package for miss (f/n) that you ?"

You nodded and grabbed the clipboard handed to you along with a pen.

Giving a signature. You grasped the package and closed the door .

Sitting on the couch you looked at the address , to your home from....it was scribbled out ?

What the hell , why was it scribbled out? Did the mailman do that ? He's not aloud to do that.

You jumped from the couch running to the door and turning the knob you were about the yell out his name before you realised he was unfortunately gone .

With sadness glooming over you , closing the doir and heading to the kitchen to grab a knife you were ready to open the package .

Once cut you folded the cardboard back .



Whoever given you the package must really love you .

In the box was chocolate kisses , a single rose , a gorgeous diamond necklace , ...and a letter.

Not a sticky note , no. A full on letter written for you .

Who the hell is this person .

Taking out the rose it seemed the thorns were cut as you none poked you , the chocolates seemed innocent but not willing to risk it you threw it in the trash .
The necklace though , it was very beautiful yes but it must have costed hundreds ! Will you willingly wear it ? Heck ya!

You carefully took out the letter , with a big breath of air taken in you began to read it .

To my dearest (F/N) ,

I've been watching you for quite a while now and it makes my heart flutter whenever i do .

Your beautiful hair , your soft skin , mind catching eyes , and that personality makes me melt .

I'm shocked i haven't confessed yet . But Soon i will , soon you'll be mine .

I love you too much to let anyone else take you away from me, so please be mine .

I can't reveal myself yet as it's not time .

I just cant wait to be with you though .

~my dearest (f/n)♡

You shook with fear .
This was way to much for you , why you ? Why not anyone else ?

How come ? How long have they been watching you . I seems their head over heels for you .

You stored the letter with the notes in your drawer, this will be used for evidence to the police once you find who's doing this .

Alone YandereXReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora