♧{What happened?}♧

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My head hurt .

The pain in my head was as though a bunch a thoughts and questions were pushing around in my head trying to find an answer or an escape .

As i opening my eyes i wasn't met with the blinding sun rays that flooded through my window , i wasn't met with the nice colored walls of my room , i wasn't met with the comforting warmth of being in my own home .

I had the unsettling feeling something was wrong and there was .

Sitting up in the rather  comfortable bed that defiantly hadn't belonged to me i took in the surroundings of the unknown room .

Seemed familiar,  well the interior , i saw that familiar black poster with a single red X in the middle .

The dark oak wood flooring and that similar colored desk next to the lighter toned  chair .

I was in HiroHito's room.

' he kidnapped me?'

'My newly moved in neighbors and there son kidnapped me ?'

Panic came in quickly as i tried to get out of the bed , but thay gave no avail as i was retained by ropes that binded  both wrists and ankles preventing me from  getting  anywhere .

Seems I've been here awhile as i noticed a red lining on my skin .

As i glance around  the room for any escape, the window being the only option as a curtain only covered it though you were sure it would be locked unless he was an amateur.

No other exits were seen by the naked eye , so what were the options ?

Scream , cry , or wait it out .

Seeming the most logical would be to wait , screaming would be no use and crying would be petty. 

So you layed therw waiting , waiting , and waiting .

Until he arrived.

He opened the door , a big cheerful smile on his face once he noticed i was awake .

" OH! Your awake , thats great! You sleep like a log though , but it's still cute !"
He edged closer with a delighted  smile on his face .

" you hungry? You been asleep for quite a while dearie . "

As you thought about it your stomach answered before you  could , a growling sound prowled out of your stomach .

A light blush coated your face as you looked away .

" Heh heh , that answers my question than ! I'll  be back with soup honey . "

With that he stepped out of the room .

' Okay , how do i break free of these , this type of rope is thicker than most type so this'll be difficult .' You thought glancing at your bonds.

Yes there were a few sharp objects in the room but  to far from your reach.


yes it might have seemed stupid but that was the only card that could be  played .

Pulling your arm down as much as possible you nibbled on the object. 

Barely cutting a string the door creaked resulting you to stop your chewing and turned your eyes .

"(Y/N) sweetheart i brought the soup , sorry it took a while it's chicken and vegetables mixed together!  ( deal with it)"

He placed the bowl on the nearby bedside table before  frowning in disappointment. 

" oh....silly me , guess you can't eat with those ropes huh? "

" that can be fixed. "

He reached over to your wrists grabbing the left part he started uniting it doing the same to the other .

" There Done! "

He smiled proudly  doing a motion telling you to sit  up. 

Placing the tray on your lap he waited,  giving you a patient smile .

' do i wanna eat this ? Would i eat the food my kidnapper prepared ? Hell no , but i am hungry . Errgghh...No '

He sat there awaiting for the spoon  to be picked up .

Soon that silence went feom a few seconds to a full minute .

" you know ? The foods getting cold , aren't you hungry?"

You shook your head a no .

" took a while to prepare , i mean i dont wanna let it be wasted and i KNOW your hungry so why not eat?"


"I can force the spoon down your throat ?"

His soft expression changed to a dark one after that sentence .

You nodded quickly whilst grabbing the silver spoon getting a fair amount of soup and placing it in your mouth .

He gave a small chuckle and got off the bed giving a small wave before  leaving.

Over the amount of time spent eating you went into thought mode on how to get out , yeah the soup was good but you wouldn't stay.

Now that your hands were freed you would be granted a small amount of freedom .

*timeskip night*

All you did the past day was stare at the blank ceiling , yes Hirohito would check on you  every so often but it wasnt much to keep you entertained.

Once nightfall reached it's peak you became drowsy. 

I mean without a shower or brushing your teeth or just freshing yourself up you felt all weird .

The door creaked once again .

" Hello (F/N) , How are you?"  


Yes you  had barely  started talking to him , only with simple one words .

" i uhm...made you some tea , the kind that gets you tired if you would like."


" you woke up late do you must still have energy though i want you to sleep good tonight so please drink it ."


" please ? I- i want you to be healthy. "

" so?"

" so? I want to take care of my love!  Now drink it. "

Remembering the event earlier you took the tea out of his hands and drunk it immediately  feeling drowsy. 

" huh??"

" oops , did i forget to mention that one dose makes you tired two makes you knock out . Guess i accidentally put in two ! Ha Ha Ha ha ha ....ha"

That was all you heard until you fell  back knocked out .

You were alone from the start .


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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