💎Attuning your Crystal 💎

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The secret to successfully harnessing crystal power is to find exactly the right crystals to interact with you and then attune to them. crystals have a subtle but measurable electromagnetic field, and so does the human body. this energy can be transferred between the two but the field may be affected by the colour or shape of the crystal and by your own unique frequency.

If a Crystal Doesn't Feel Right
Not every crystal will suit you, as your individual energy patterns harmonize better with some crystal frequencies than others. It may be that a crystal that causes you discomfort when attuning simply isn't the crystal for you at this time, so try another type. If a crystal feels uncomfortable or unappealing, however, it might be stirring up issues that need addressing later. That's why learning to attune to a crystal quickly helps you to select exactly the right stone for you, rather than picking one that someone else suggests.

How Crystals work
Crystals have a lattice-like orderly internal crystalline structure. The exact structure is unique to each type. These structures create, absorb, anchor, or radiate energy. Colour has a powerful affect. Many black crystals, such as Smoky Quartz for instance, have a structure that captures energy. This means that the crystal holds onto detrimental energies such as electromagnetic "smog," or negative thoughts, and transmutes their toxic effect. They are protective, too. Wearing one keeps you safe. The colour is created by minute traces of other minerals. Crystals take you deep into healing theta-brainwave states and also carry powerful bioscalar waves.

How to harmonise with your crystal

When you become the keeper of a new crystal, always take time to attune to it after you cleans it.

1) Open the palm chakras and sit quietly holding your crystal in your hands.

2) Breathe gently and focus your attention on the crystal. Ask that your stone works with you in love and truth for your highest good. Half close your eyes and simply gaze at your crystal. Ask it to communicate with you in the most appropriate way for you.

3) Continue to breathe gently and be receptive to the response, which may come in the form of a bodily sensation, a feeling, or an intuition.

4) After a few minutes, notice how you feel. Are you calm and relaxed, or twitchy and jittery? Is an emotion rising? Does a particular part of your body tingle or ache? is one of your chakras lighting up- becoming hot, energised, and active, possibly fluttering, tingling, and fizzing?

5) Move your crystal around your body to check out sensations and intuitions. If it feels good to keep it in a particular place, leave it there for a while. Don't force anything, simply go with what feels right. Let the crystal be your guide.

6) Ask yourself if your crystal is dropping thoughts into your mind. If so, trust the process. Or has your stone found another way to communicate, for example through bodily or intuitive sensation? Remember, crystals are creative beings.

7) After five minutes or so thank the crystal for its work, put it to one side, and consciously disconnect your attention from it unless your intuition tells you to keep it in your pocket or somewhere close by.

8) Repeat steps 1 to 7 with your other crystals.

Write down all that you remember from an attunement session in a notebook

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Write down all that you remember from an attunement session in a notebook. Record the date and time, the moon phase (dark, new, waxing, waning, or full), your mood before you started, the type of crystal, what you experienced, and how you feel afterwards. This not only helps you keep track of the effect that different crystals have, but it also charts whether you are more sensitive to crystal energies at particular times—for instance the moon cycle can affect your sensitivity, as can the time of day.

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