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"Hyung,let's break up"

Jungkook expected shoutings and worst,hitting to happen but Taehyung was smiling. He freaking smile whn he's asking for thm to end thier three years relationship.

"Okay,if u insist." Tht was it? Just tht?!

"Hyung, u okay? I mean,I -"
"Hey,it's okay. You don't love me anymore and to be honest,I don't love u anymore too. I'm falling for Hoseok hyung. He save me from the group of betas the other night and i guests i just, i dont know- fall in love?" Jungkook was taking aback. He didn't know how to respond to tht. He didn't even realised Taehyung was standing on his tippy toes and kiss him square on the lips. He closed his eyes slowly, enjoying their last kiss together. Little did they know,Jimin was there crying silently into his palm,witnessing their kiss.

Cowardly, he run away again once.

It had been four months since Jungkook last saw Jimin and he got punches from Hoseok whn he asked the latter about the omega. He was really clueless as to where Jimin has went. He had begged the principal won't budge. There was only one place left;their hometown, Busan.


He didn't stop pressing the doorbell to Parks house. He was being rude,but he can't help it. There were no sound at all. Jungkook was about to give up. But the door was opened and it was Mrs. Park who had invited him into the house. He sat down on couch and Mrs. Park excused herself to make a drink. She was smiling, yet it was forced. Jungkook can see it through her eyes.

"There's no need for tht, Mrs. Park,I just need to confirm something" he finally spoke.

"Do u love my son,Jungkook?" He was not given enough time to answer the question as she spoke once again, "My son is very hurt. He would often tell me tht he is okay bit i know he is not. He got here four months ago and never once did he get out of the confines of this house." Jungkook was speechless. He could do nothing but to listen to Mrs. Park.

"He would take a shower wth hot water and washed his body hard untill it turn scarlet red. He cry all the time and don't want to eat more thn a spoon. He would throw up everytime he finished his one spoon meal and tht's whn I know, someone had impregnated him." Jungkook gasped at this.

"Mrs. Park, I can explain. I-"

A hand risen by her shutted Jungkook up. "I don't need any explanation, young man. It's my son who u need to explain things to."

"May I go and see him?"

A nod from Mrs. Park was all tht he needed before he got up and stepped up the staircase towarhis lover's room.

Thk u veryyyy muchh..wait for the last chpter.. ;);):)

I Love HimTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon