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I don't know when I fell in love with Harry. I just know our friendship started off strangely, and I loved it. It wasn't a typical, we chose each other the first day of school thing.

No, he saved me from losing my only other friend at the time. He was a jerk and Harry took me on as a pity friend so that I wouldn't be totally alone my first year of middle school. Who knew it would have blossomed into this weirdly amazing friendship?

I sure as hell didn't. I honestly thought it would be a one time thing, then we'd never talk again.

The first time I spent the night, his dog ran out the front door. We spend 20 minutes looking for him, only for him to have ran back in and into the basement. I thought everything was over then and there.

Then, Harry pulled out horror movies and that's one thing we related to.

His mom took us out to go get ice cream at midnight, only for everything to be closed except a Loaf'N'Jug that we got SpongeBob Ice creams with gumballs for eyes and fountain drinks.

It was an overall great night. I was even supposed to hang out again another night, but then my sister got worried, so I left.

I still never thought we'd become real friends.

Looking back now, one of the key things that solidified our friendship was the time we made pear smoothies.  It's sounds great, delicious, and healthy. Until you learn we used canned pears, 1,717,726 spices, and I almost threw up because he dared me to drink as much of it as I could.

It's funny how I cherish those moments so much more now. Realizing how happy and carefree we were.

I could not be more happy to be a pity friend, that's all I can say.  If he wouldn't have done it, I would not be the person I am.

Harry Styles has shaped the Louis Tomlinson I have become.

I love and hate that about him.

Best Friend's POV [Watty's2018]Where stories live. Discover now