Chapter 5 (Meet Virginia & Alabama)

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America's POV

Me and my group was walking when we saw Olivia she looked like she was cleaning up a mess that one of her sister made. 

"Olivia, you alright" I asked.

"Oh, Hey father, may I help you with anything" she said as she dusted off her blue sundress. 

"Meet Japan and England" I said a bit worried about what she would do when she met England. 

"Oh nice to meet you, i'm Virginia or Olivia" she stated. Engalnd now looked way more nervious then I was. 

"England we should get some tea some time" Olivia said with a dark ara around her. 

"Oh and Kentucky wanted me to tell you not to come to the kitchen" Olivia said as she walked away with a broom in her hand. 

We were about to start walking again but when I turned to walk Will was there. 


"I'll give it to you later, intdouce yourself" I said.

"I'm Alabama or William" The boy said he had a white nice suit on. 

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