Chapter 9 (Kentucky & Louisiana)

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China's POV (...I forgot about them...sorry)

All the nations were in the kitchen and 2 of the states were fighting...What for?

"Are you guys fighting over who's chicken is best...again" America said sadly. ...THEY FIGHT OVER WHO'S CHICKEN IS BEST?....MINE WILL AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE BEST.

"Yes...and I have they best fried chicken" The boy said.

"Pff as if this boy needs to get his facts straight" The girl said.

"Excuse me but this is America in 2018 not everything has to be straight" The boy said with a smug smile.

"You know what I mean...pig head"

"Do you two children mind telling us who you are, Aru"!!!

"Oh...I'm David or Kentucky" He had a blue botten up  shirt the sleves were rolled up with blue ripped jeans.

"Oh sorry for my rudeness, I'm Sally or Louisiana" She had a orange dress with a white apron over it. She also had black curly hair pulled into a bun. She had freckles.

"...Is there any pop" Ohio asked coming inside. Pop? Soon as Ohio came in Kentucky blushed...aren't they siblings?

"Your saying it wrong again" Louisiana said.

"Maybe your saying it wrong"  She said as she grabbed a coke from the fridge and left.

"Also both of you cook chicken" 

No but in all seriousness who say's 'soda' Pop is way better.

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