Chapter Seven

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Sorry for the wait, softball season started today and I might have got myself sick :D fun.


Violet sat in the living room that evening, tired and sick from her softball practice. Sophia was currently making some soup for her while she watched some Voltron. She sat the soup down in front of the alpha, smiling and sitting beside her. Violet started eating, her body muscles aching. 

She leaned her head on her mates shoulder, sighing when she ate a little to no soup. Violet's hair tickled her neck a little as she pet her alpha. "I love you alpha." The omega said, smiling when her alpha purred. "I love you too, omega." She murmured, yawning a bit. 

Sophia laid her on the couch, covering her up with a blanket. The alpha purred and snuggled into the blanket. She smiled and cut off the tv, putting her soup into the frigid. 

Omega's are technically supposed to serve their alpha's, but Violet treated her differently. She would do everything for the omega, not really caring what the rules are. But it feel right to treat her omega that way. 

"Soph.." Violet rubbed her eyes. She turned to face her alpha, smiling when she wanted to cuddle her. Sophia got under the covers with Violet, smiling when she cuddled up with her. She kissed the top of her alpha's head, soon growing tired.

Soon the two both fell asleep, keeping each other close. 

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