Chapter Eleven -END-

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Happy Anniversary Babe! Only six more months until a year, love you! ♥️


Violet and Sophia walked down the street, staying close to each other. The alpha had made special reservations for the night, just to surprise her mate. The two stopped in front of a restaurant. Sophia looked at her mate confused, not really knowing what was going on.

Violet chuckled and walked inside, keeping her omega with her. "Reservation for Moon?" The waitress nodded and led the two to an outside balcony, were a small table with two chairs sat. A small candle was lit underneath a dark sky sprinkled with bright stars.

The omega smiled widely as the two sat down. "This looks expensive, I could help pay." Violet shook her head. "No, this is just for you, I'm paying." She smiled and looked at the night sky. The view her mate had was absolutely amazing, nothing could top it. The waitress brought out their food and drinks soon after. 

The two ate then Violet paid. When the two walked out, the alpha grabbed Sophia's hand and led her somewhere. Neon lights covered the town which made the two smile. Violet led her mate to a big area filled with carnival rides and sweet treats. She bought the two all day wristbands and entered. There were laughter and squeals of joy as everyone rode rides and played games.

The two females played a few games and rode a couple rides for an hour. Violet took a Sophia's hand and walked over to the Ferris wheel. They climbed into a seat and the carny helped them get situated. When they were ready the ride started moving a bit, before stopping to let someone else in. Soon they were stopped at the top, the night sky beautiful as ever. The alpha intertwined her fingers with her mates as they looked at the sky. Soon the ride started moving.

It wasn't until five minutes later that the ride was over, but Violet had one more surprise in store. 

The two walked over before the carnival closed and Violet started walking to the beach again. The moonlight sent ripples of beautiful blue lighting onto the waves. Violet took of her shoes and laid them in the sand, feeling the sand beneath her feet. Sophia did the same and smiled. The alpha took of her sweater, revealing a black crop top. "Cmon, lets swim." 

Sophia threw off her long sleeved shirt that had a tank top under it and took Violet's hand, running down to the water. The two got into the water and swam out a bit, before splashing each other. The alpha took a deep breath and went under, swimming in front of Sophia before slipping her arms around her waist.

She came up from under water and smiled when Sophia wrapped her arms around her neck. The two looked up at the bright moon and stars against the raven black sky. It was amazingly beautiful. The two looked into each other's eyes before gently kissing each other, the moonlight gently shining against their faces.

They pulled away and laid their foreheads against one another. The pale moonlight made Sophia's sapphire eyes light up beautifully. 

"I love you so much Soph, I'm so glad to have you as my mate." Violet softly whispered. Sophia smiled. "I love you so much too Vi, you're the best mate." The omega kissed her again, the kiss sweet and tender. Nothing could ever top this moment.

The end.


That's the end! Thank you all for reading this but again, happy anniversary babe, I love you so so much, I'm so glad I can call you my girlfriend. But anyways thank you guys again and I'll see you soon, bye!

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