Growing Up: 1yr old

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Being an infant was, without a doubt, a frustratingly embarrassing experience. Even though he knew to himself that he had experienced it countless times before despite not having memories of his past, due to having lived for so long in his past life as an immortal god, having to experience of being taken care of like a baby was still not a pleasant one. Despite that, he also knew that his moral integrity had long since been thrown away to hell so why should he care for something like this? Plus, he's now an infant, there's nothing wrong in being touched on that place by his own parents. With that thought in mind, he spent his days carefreely with nothing weighing his heart and mind.

A year passed and he was now capable of walking. As for talking, due to his lack of using his vocal cords, and his habit of talking in his mind, he has yet to utter his first word.

Nana and Iemitsu were worried that there might be something wrong with their son. So they took their little tuna fish to the hospital and was told that everything was normal and that nothing was wrong with their child.

"Then, why hasn't he spoken his first word yet?"

Nana asked the doctor. The doctor threw them a question as well.

"Is your son silent most of the time?"

"Yes." Nana answered as he look at Tsuna who's obediently sitting on his father's lap, fiddling with a stuff toy. "Tsu-kun has always been silent if there's nothing wrong. He'd cry if he's hungry or if his diaper is full. But most of the time, he's obedient and would smile and laugh when he's playing."

"Oh? Then how do he respond when you talk to him?" The doctor looked strangely at the the one year old brunette. She thought back to the time when he was doing a check up on the child a while ago. Indeed, he was obedient. But when she tried to coax the child into speaking, he would always find a way to answer by using face and body language. It was strange, no matter how the doctor thought of it.

This time it was Iemitsu who answered. "I'll show you," he said and look down to the infant on his lap.

"Tuna fish~ can papa borrow kuma-san?" (Ah Yu: The stuff toy is a bear.)

Tsuna looked up and frowned before hugging Kuma-san tightly. He shook his head and glared (pout) at the adult, his eyes seems to be saying, "No."

Seeing the infant's reaction, the adults couldn't help but melt at the adorable brunette's cuteness. Iemitsu coed at this sight of his son while Nana hurriedly took out a camera and took a picture, clearly unwilling to miss this scene. The doctor raised a brow at the couple but kept his silence.

"Ah, Tsu-kun is sooo cute~!"

"Of course! He's our son after all!"

I'm not cute at all... Thought of the one in question as he hugged the toy bear. The only reason why he didn't want lend the stuff toy away was because he was bored. He'd rather play like a baby he was by himself than pretending to be a curious baby looking around here and there. He was after all the type of person who easily gets bored and can't stand boredom.

Of course, Tsuna also understand the situation. This was the cause of him not wanting to talk.

Seems like I should start speaking sooner or later...he sighed in annoyance.

"Tuna~, say papa. Come on~ call me papa!" Iemitsu had tried it before countless times to get Tsuna to speak.  Each time, it would be replied with a pout, a whine or he would be ignored. He has been itching to hear his son speak. But today, he will finally get his wish. is not as he expected.


Iemitsu was stunned hearing the two syllables that the baby uttered. No, no. Its impossible that Tsuna knows that word. He must've misheard. Yes. That must've been it. He convinced himself.

Taking a breath, he tried again.



"Its 'papa', tuna fish."


His heart felt like it has been pierced by an arrow. Iemitsu knows that he is not a pedophile, but to be called as such by his own baby son, plus the fact that it was his first word, made him want to cry so badly.

Nana also wasn't expecting this outcome. For her baby to have 'pedo' as his first word is just...

"...well this is quite unique. 'Pedo' as a baby's first word..."

Indeed. It just makes people speechless.

Luckily, Nana didn't put it in mind.

"Tsu-kun, how about mama?"

Tsuna looked at his mother and smiled. "Maman."

"My~ Tsu-kun has his own way of saying mama! Maman...I love it!" Nana said delightedly. She felt relieved and happy at the same time. Relieved that her baby is not mute and happy because he finally heard her baby speak his first word. Although the first word itself was a bit disturbing...

"Eh?! Tsuna, why won't you call me papa?" Iemitsu cried miserably.


Tsuna stayed silent as he refuse to speak further. He already fulfilled their wish and solved the problem. I should just sleep...

"Well, there shouldn't be any problem now."

The doctor remarked as she look at the child with a strange glint in her eyes.

"Yes. Thank you, Honno-sensei." (Nana)

"Yes, thank you very much, sensei!" (Iemitsu)

The Sawada family of three left soon after. Doctor Honno Haruna waved them goodbye. When the three got out of her office, she smiled in amusement.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi, was it? A fellow reincarnator..." a low chuckle escaped from her mouth, sounding like a voice that should come from a man. "This will be interesting."

As 'she' said that, 'her' eyes turned blood red for a moment before 'her' figure disappeared from the office.


As the family of three exited the clinic, two honey-brown orbs opened gaze back at the clinic. Suddenly, it turned gold for a split second before returning to its normal colour just as fast.

"Ara? Tsu-kun woke up."

"Are you hungry tuna fish?"

The couple concernedly asked their son. Tsuna merily yawned in response before going back to sleep.

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