Six years old: Friends

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AN: Guys, I think I need to explain Fishy's features.

Hair: Blonde and flat (or was the right term tame?)
Eyes: Doe brown eyes
Short and slender

Well, the rest is yours to fill in.

By the time Fishy became three years old, he'd follow the six year old Tsuna to the park to play. Fishy didn't go to Nursery, much to Tsuna's envy, since he didn't want to separate from his brother for more than half an hour. As expected of a sticky fish.

At the park, they became acquainted with a pair of siblings named Ryouhei and Kyoko. Ryohei was 7 while Kyoko was 5. The four of them (actually, Tsuna prefers to watch) plays together whenever they have time. Sometimes, it was only the three of them as Ryohei is a first grader. But that didn't affect their friendship.

That day of their first meeting was quite novel.

Tsuna and Fishy met the siblings at the park. It was Ryohei that noticed them. Being the hyperactive boy he is, he went and unembarrassedly proclaimed his intent of befriending them. Kyoko was the middle man as she tried to reign in her brother. Tsuna, being the rather silent child and Fishy, being the shy child, Ryohei's attempt was met with silence. But Ryohei won't be Ryohei if he just gave up like that so he continued to convince (Tsuna: its 'pester') them until he finally got an answer from the brunette.

"Tsuna. Fishy." Tsuna straight up introduced him and his brother as he pointed to the owners of the names spoken.

"Ooohh! I'm Sasagawa Ryohei! This is my little sister, Sasagawa Kyoko! EXTREMEly nice to meet you, Tsuna! Fishy!"

...well, it went like that then they played together with Fishy warming up to the Sasagawa siblings while Tsuna gets dragged to their whims without complains. It went on like that till the Sasagawa siblings left and Tsuna and Fishy went to buy snacks by a nearby convenient store on their way home.

But on their way home, they chance upon a sight of Ryohei and Kyoko being bullied on the grass field by the riverside. At this sight, Tsuna paused, before telling Fishy to wait for him.

"But Nii-chan-!"

"No buts, Tousaka."

Tsuna has never called Fishy in his given name before and this confused Fishy. For the first time, he saw Tsuna give him a serious look that made Fishy nervous. He intuition told him that he have to follow his brother's words. Despite being worried, he obediently stayed and watched as Tsuna rushed to Ryohei and Kyoko's rescue.

Ryohei and Kyoko were surrounded by a group older kids. There were four of them. When Tsuna arrived, he saw a bloodied Ryohei protecting his beloved sister. It was obvious that the eight years old fought back judging by the injury on two of the older kids.

A frown emerged on Tsuna's usually stoic face, his eyes concealing the anger and disappointment he felt towards the 4 older kids. With a stomp, he quickly reached the nearest kid and he punched him on the face. Tsuna greatly held back enough to just knock out the boy he punched. And with great control, he made sure that the punch would hurt but will not leave any undesirable inhury. Going to the next one with kick on the other's chin, also KOing the boy. Then a chop on the third kid's neck, before he pulled the last one away from the powerless Ryohei.

Kyoko was pleasantly surprised at their hero. Seeing the smaller brunette beating the taller and older kids was indeed cool and awesome, that is, in the eyes of an innocent child. Her eyes sparkled, as she dazedly watch the brunette beat the three unconscious. And for the last one,...

Tsuna took both the last boy's arms and locked them to the boy's back then he pushed him to the ground. The boy wriggled and strugled for Tsuna to push the other's face to the ground as well.

With a short glance at Ryohei, he understood that the boy's condition was rather bad but he couldn't hust let the boy on the ground off without a little punishment. Thus, he threatened the boy.

"Shall I do the same to you?"

He said as he forcefully made the boy face the direction of the siblings. The boy shivered, frightened at the boy's freezing words' meaning. Tsuna's eyes narrowed.

"Do you know that what you did was bad?"

The boy did not answer. The boy of course knew that what he did was bad but he was a bully. He enjoys hurting others. Such a sick hobby, Tsuna hated it. Tsuna forced the boy to answer.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was wrong, please don't hurt me!"

"...tomorrow, come here again. If not...I'll tell your parents what you've done." Its not hard to know where you live, boy. I've saw you before and know who your parents are. Tsuna's eyes met the frightened boy's eyes. "Bring them as well. Morning, 10 am." And with that, he got off the boy before letting him go, but not without knocking him out.

Kyoko was crying as this happens. Her attention was on her unconscious brother. When she noticed Tsuna already finished with the older kids, she immediately called him for help.

"Tsu-Tsuna-kun, onii-chan is-"

"Go get Fishy." Tsuna took Ryohei from Kyoko's arms as he spoke.


"I'll handle onii-san."

There are a lot of times when Fishy got injured when they play as Fishy was clumsy. Tsuna knew that so he would always bring a bag of first aid necessities. There were also times that Ryohei would get injuries due to his recklessness and because of this, Tsuna, with his medical knowledge from his countless past lives, became the duo's personal nurse. Kyoko knew this, so she she finally agreed and left to get Fishy.

As Tsuna took care of the cut on Ryohei's left eyebrow, he frowned.

Head is also beeding, and judging his current situation, he must have minor concussion. Blood had entered his ears as well. Tsuna groaned in annoyance and worry. By the time he finished patching up the injured boy, Kyoko and Fishy had arrived. He instructed the two to look after Ryohei before he went back to the convenience store that he and Fishy went to. He remembered it having a payphone. He rushed there with the fastest speed he can muster in with his body's current strength. Upon arriving, he contacted the hospital for an emergency, making sure he sounded panicked to make the the other side believe him. After all, its hard to believe in a child's words. When he was done, he went back to where he left the three.

The ambulance timely came a minute after Tsuna arrived. He told the adults what happened with Kyoko and Fishy backing him up. As for the four unconscious kids, they were brought along as well to the hospital. When they woke up, the hospital contacted the four's family. Whatever happened to them after, who knows?

The Nana was also asked to come. Same the parents of Kyoko and Ryohei. When the parents came, They saw Tsuna hugging a crying Kyoko and Fishy, who cried along. Tsuna faced the parents with his stoic face and reported what happened as short as he can. The Sasagawa couple thanked Tsuna as Kyoko ran to them, still crying. Nana went to her two sons, ruffling their hair to comfort them, before hugging them.

"I'm glad that you two are alright! Mama doesn't know what she'll do if something ever happens to her babies..." Nana said, worry and relief lacing her words as she hugged them.

The next day, Tsuna, Fishy and Nana went to visit Ryohei. Thanks to Tsuna's speedy first aid, no other complications happen other than the blood that entered the boys ears. Ryohei has high vitality, that's why he was already awake by the time Tsuna and family visited him. Albeit a little weak, he greeted the brothers with his usual grin. Kyoko was by the bed sitting with Mrs. Sasagawa attending to the boy's needs.

The four boys from yesterday also visited together with their parents to appologize to the victim, much to Tsuna's diappointment. He intended to scare them before taking them to appologize to his friend. But since this happened, he just let it go. Since then, the four would hang out together.


Four months later, Fishy is already four years old. At the first month of summer season, Iemitsu came back after one and a little over half year, along with a visitor. This day was something Tsuna will never forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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